Inscape 2012

Page 9

Castle Walls

Brittney Blakemore

Nighttime. Stormy weather. The path leading to my destination is dark, misleading. My heart is racing. Racing quickly. My feet begin walking, walking away from the castle which I love. This is a journey that I need to make. A journey that has been looming over my head for years. Things around me are trying to pull me back in. Creatures in the pathway, blocking my way. I tell myself to keep moving. I tell myself it’s necessary. Small lights illuminate the pathway as I move. People standing all around me, begging me to stay. To stay with them. No, I tell them. It is time for me to move on. It is time for me to grow up. Even though I am saying this out loud, I know it is a lie. Regretfully, the lights fade away. I am in the darkness again. The people around me have left my side, never to be seen again. I know I am on my way out now. On my way to another world. Or am I? Three more people step in front of me. The three people I don’t want to see. My heart is breaking, tears streaming from my eyes. My tears match their tears. My heartache, to theirs. Three people. Two boys. One girl. My best friends. They have shared more of themselves with me than anyone else in the world. In my world. This is my world though. My true world. They keep asking me to stay. To go on more adventures, to have more fun. It isn’t about the fun, I tell them. I need to do this. I need to leave 8

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