Methods for Prioritizing and Quantifying the Benefits of Bicycle and Pedestrian Investments

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15 risk as compared to those that didn’t (Andersen et al, 2000), and that bicycle commuters average one less absence per year than those who don’t bicycle commute (Davis & Jones, 2007). Meanwhile, employees who participate in physical activity report fewer days off due to illness (6-32 percent) and increased productivity by 2-52 percent compared to physically inactive employees. Another studies shows that physically active employees work at full-efficiency all day, resulting in 12.5 percent greater productivity, and in companies can save $571 per employee per year (British Columbia Cycling Coalition, 2011). Community and Economic Development The economic value of bicycle and pedestrian facilities for local businesses and retail districts has been shown through a variety of research. Studies and surveys that have explored travel behavior in certain business districts report that the majority of patrons arrive to stores by means other than the automobile, indicating the importance of bicycle, pedestrian and transit access for businesses. For example, a survey along Bloor Street in Toronto found that only 10 percent of customers drive to stores and that patrons arriving by foot and bicycle visited and spent the most per month (Sztabinski, 2009). Another study quantified the monetary benefit from sales tax receipts to businesses immediately following installation of a series of roundabouts to calm traffic at La Jolla Boulevard in San Diego, finding that sales increased from approximately $122,000 to $152,000 in one year (WalkSanDiego). Before and after studies quantifying the value of improved bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in business districts demonstrate the business case for improving non-motorized infrastructure. For example, in downtown Lodi, California, improvements made to the pedestrian environment resulted in a 30 percent increase in sales for downtown businesses, a drop in the vacancy rate from 18 to 6 percent, and 60 new businesses.


& prioritizing non-motorized transportation investments

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