2013-14 Canisius Student-Athlete Handbook

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Competition Schedule & Class Absences • • • • • • •

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Keep up with your assignments. In keeping with the Athletic Department’s philosophy that academics are a primary concern, every effort will be made to minimize your absences from class and exams in scheduling athletic competition. You should work with your faculty advisor and director of student-athlete academic support services to schedule classes around practice and travel times. When practice schedules conflict with class schedules, you are required to attend class. It is against NCAA rules for a student-athlete to miss class to attend practice. Competition will be scheduled to minimize the number of class absences. The number of contests scheduled on weekdays will be as minimal as possible. Every attempt will be made to schedule weekday departure times for away events as late in the day as possible so that the majority of student-athletes will have completed their classes. Student-athletes who will be traveling to away competitions will be notified of their travel schedule by their coach at the beginning of each semester and must notify their instructors accordingly. At the start of each semester you will be provided with an academic contract to present to your instructors within the first two weeks of classes. These contracts must be discussed with your instructors, signed by your instructors, and returned to the office of Student-Athletes Academic Support Services. During the FIRST 3 days of each semester, if an instructor is uncomfortable with projected missed class times, please meet with someone from the office of student-athlete support services IMMEDIATELY to consider any and all options. You are expected to make up assignments missed due to athletic competitions (subject to the discretion of your instructors).

STUDENT-ATHLETE ACADEMIC CONTRACT • A signature is required for each class including labs and internships (student teaching and electronic studies program courses are not included.) • Please complete professor name and course field as well as sign and date each contract. • Any contracts deficient in these requests will not be accepted. • Due Dates: Fall – September 3, 2013. Spring – January 21, 2014. Student-Athlete Section Name: ID: Sport: Coach: Course: Professor Name: I recognize that I am responsible for meeting the requirements of this course; for meeting early in the semester with my professor to discuss anticipated conflicts between class responsibilities and my team’s intercollegiate competitions; and for keeping my professor updated throughout the semester regarding upcoming conflicts. I have discussed with my professor any anticipated conflicts due to athletics and I know it is my responsibility to resolve any problems. Student Signature Date: Faculty Section I confirm that the Student-Athlete and I met within the first two-weeks of this course to discuss his or her commitments to both academics and athletics. I was made aware of any anticipated schedule conflicts and discussed appropriate options with the student-athlete for dealing with them. Faculty Signature: Date:


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