Candler Connection Winter 2014

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Candler News


Candler Celebrates 100 Years

If 1914 “was an altogether splendid time to start

Luke Timothy Johnson, Robert W. Woodruff

to hear, and speak that word both clearly and

a school of theology,” as Gary Hauk writes in his

Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins

compellingly,” he says.

forthcoming book on the history of Candler, then

and chair of the Centennial Celebration Committee,

2014 is certainly an altogether splendid time to

points to two dominant modes in Scripture that

Two phases mark the turn from our first to our

rejoice in the school’s centennial.

guide our celebration: narrative and prophecy.

second century. In fall of 2014, we focus on

“The Candler Centennial in Story and Prophecy”

“Story gives expression to the memory of a people:

highlight Candler’s historic significance within

is a yearlong celebration of the school’s 100th an-

By faithfully and creatively remembering both

the larger Atlanta community and beyond. In

niversary, highlighting memories of the past and

the good and bad in its experience, the Candler

spring of 2015, we move to “Prophecy: Ad-

visions for the future. It begins in August 2014 with

community is prepared once more to move into

dressing the Future,” as Candler hosts a major

Fall Convocation and the dedication of the final

the future,” he explains.

scholarly conference on theology to engage the

“Story: Remembering the Past” in events that

phase of our new building and continues through

challenges of the next century. Candler faculty

Spring Commencement 2015 with a slate of special

Prophecy, says Johnson, is not so much about pre-

will present papers proposing ways forward,

guest lectures, musical performances, forums and

dicting the future as it is about speaking a word to

and distinguished theologians from outside

conferences, room dedications, alumni reunions,

the present and thus affecting the future.

Candler will respond as panelists.

“As a school of theology committed to the service

A full calendar of Centennial Celebration

of the church and the world, Candler must seek to

events and related details will be available at

discern the word that the church and world need later this spring. n

exhibits in the new Pitts Theology Library, and the debut of Hauk’s book.

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