Cancer Is Curable! (2011)

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PHASE 3: Hurrah! All kinds of juices plus fruits! A Few Words About Food Quality In The USA The Other Helpful Tools That Are Beneficial During Fasting Muscle movements Alternate shower Visualization: a powerful tool for reprogramming your instincts during hunger cure Symptoms 1. fear 2. weakness 3. dehydration 4. dizziness and fainting 5. nausea and vomiting 6. weight loss 7. emaciation 8. pain 9. psychical instability 10. different reality 11. changes on skin 12. feeling cold 13. fever 14. loss of hair 15. swelling joints 16. high pulse and high heart rate 17. other What To Pay Most Attention To Seclusion Without forcing Limited belief in information Alone or not Body temperature Drinking when not eating What do we know about vitamins from drugstores? Summary

4 OUR MIND The power of prayer... Something to think about A list of recommended readings

5 ADDENDUM How to become a raw mono vegan? Fruitarian Food Pyramid Table of contents

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