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Broadside Expressions in Poetry via Street Literature Style

By H. Melt


Why I Pr Dyke Ma Over the Pride Pa

Chicago Dyke March is a gra of dyke, queer, bi, and transg -Chicago Dyke March Colle There is no entry fee

I am nuts crack my crack is nuts

No police barricades to hold No beads thrown to strangle No politicians to weakly sha No tribune photographers to No stumbling straights to blo

Uncracked cracker nuts

helium filled floats deflate after they are blown up

I am cracker nuts roasted honey

where are those hundreds of thousands of people the other 364 days of the year?

I am sweet cracker nuts Salty cracker nuts I am Cracker thin c rack her nuts

this year the pride parade straightened its route dyke march stomps a circular path

Bloody c rack her nuts

To create visibility To honor our histories and id To disrupt oppression and do To challenge silence and fear

Padded wall (c rack her) nuts

nothing on display but our b holding hand made signs of s

I am my c rack crac king

horns honk, neighbors wave I have no choice but to smile

Nuts I am crac king nuts.

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