Young Southern Student Writer 2012

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Do You Know Who Eddy Baker Is? Do you know who this is? His name is Eddy Baker. He is going on an adventure. Do you want to come with him? Ok. He will go by himself. He needs to pack. He will pack an orange, apple, a burger, water, peanut butter and jelly, ham, bread, sausage, pan and bananas. That is a lot of stuff. He will go on his adventure now. So he went on his adventure. A butterfly came to him and asked if he had food. He was so hungry. He said well he did but he needed it for his adventure. He gave the orange to the butterfly. The butterfly said thank you so much. It was getting dark. He found a cave. He went in and slept. In the morning, he got up and went away. He walked a whole mile. He ate an orange, but he kept on walking. He found a village and he lived there forever. Now you know who Eddie Baker is. He is the boy who found a village. Trey Barefoot 2nd Grade Chattanooga School for the Liberal Arts (CSLA) Mrs. Foster

Why Did You Build a Robot? One beautiful day, a boy went to see his dad, who was a professor, at work. But when he came to the door to his dad's room, he heard funny noises such as fizz, pop, and c1oink. He also saw dust coming out of the crack under the door. When he opened the door, he couldn't see his dad because there was so much dust. Just then the dust cleared and he could see his dad and a robot. "Why did you build a robot?" asked the boy. "Well, so it can help people" said his dad. "I'm glad that the robot is going to help people" said the boy. "I'm glad that I built it" said the dad. "So, what kind of help will it do?" asked the boy. "Well, it will rake leaves, pick up toys, cook, and lots of other ways to help" said the dad. "Is this one ours?" asked the boy. "Well, I don't know. I'm going to make copies of this robot" said the dad. "Let's bring it home and surprise Mom" said the boy. When they got home she was surprised. "Where did you get the Robot!" she asked. "Dad made it!" said the boy. "Yep, I really did make it!" said the dad. Noah Morais 2nd Grade Chattanooga School for the Liberal Arts (CSLA) Mrs. Foster


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