Young Southern Student Writer 2012

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Batter Up Alex sat on the bleachers at the softball game. "The Cougars are gonna lose again," thought Alex. Then, Know-it-all Clara walked up. "You are gonna get creamed," said Clara. "No we are NOT," yelled Alex. Although Clara was probably right, Alex did not want to admit it. "Oh, yeah," said Clara, "name one game your team has won." Alex thought for a bit. .... "Uh oh! A challenge. What should I do?" The loud speaker interrupted her thoughts with an announcement: "Home run Blue Jays!" Alex was fuming, her face was turning red, smoke was coming out of her ears (not literally, but you can get the picture), her eyes were watering. Alex had all she could take. She jumped up and body slammed Know-it-all Clara into a mud puddle. Did I mention Clara is ALWAYS clean? Clara ran off screaming "Yucky Mud!" "Serves her right," Alex murmured under her breath. •••• Alex was a Cougar fan, but there was one big problem --the Cougars always lost. The game from last night was all over the news, but what could Alex do? Alex slouched in a chair thinking, "What can I do? I am only 10 years old. No one would listen to a 10 year old. They would probably walk off than listen to me." Then, Alex's dad walked into the room. "If only the Cougars could win ONE game!" boomed her dad. Then Alex got an idea, but she will need some help. •••• Alex invited four of her friends--Lexy, Holden, Ada and Jack--for a meeting. "This will be a challenge for everyone here," Alex began. Holden spoke up, "do we eat anything with sugar? I am diabetic." "Oh, no, we don't eat anything," said Alex. "Wait," said Holden. "I have to keep my blood sugar high but not too high." "Ok, then," said Alex. "Bring Snacks! Any More questions?" Lexy looked at Holden who looked at Ada who looked at Jack. No one said a word. Lexy broke the silence. "Nope!" "Well, then we are gonna make the Cougars beat the Blue Jays!" "How?" asked Lexy. "Here is my idea - we will stick gum to the bottom of the Blue Jay's shoes," announced Alex. 104

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