Celebrating Seniors -- Aging Care Connections

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The Benefits Program at Aging Care Connections can help seniors understand what resources are available.



and Social Security benefits. Adult children of seniors also come to Aging Care Connections seeking help for their parents. Some who turn to Aging Care Connections for help are aware of the resources available, but are not familiar with using the Internet. Many applications must be done online, which ‘I tell them to can be intimidating for always open those who prefer pen and paper. their mail and Along with knowledge to never give of the resources available information over to seniors, members of the Benefits team must be the phone.’ good, patient listeners, Thurmond said. They also Gladys must be honest, trustworThurmond, thy advocates for senior Aging Care care. Connections “All of us working in the Benefits Program undergo background checks,� Thurmond said. In addition to helping them get the help they need, Thurmond said she and the rest of the Benefits Program staff work hard to help seniors protect themselves from things like fraud and phone scams. “I tell them to always open their mail and to never give information over the phone,� she said. “If someone calls and wants information, call us. We’ll call them.� Benefits experts can meet with clients at the Aging Care Connections offices at 111 W. Harris Ave., La Grange, or at a client’s home. Call (708) 354-1323 for more information or to schedule a time to talk about the benefits available.

Services Available

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