Issue 16

Page 5

Publisher’s Desk


It's that time of year... no, I'm not talking finals. I'm talking FOOTBALL! Whether we like it, watch it, or not, it is football season. Whether you are in high school or college, football is a part of schools and communities across the country. When I was younger, I played varsity football. It was an amazing experience and looking back, the thing I loved the most was how my coaches always stressed education. We needed a certain GPA to play and we had to get progress reports from our teachers to make sure we were behaving in class. On top of that, we would have study hall after school-- before weight lifting-- and there were tutors available if we needed them. My coach would tell us, "what you tolerate, you will achieve." This applied in the classroom as well. If you tolerate a "B", then you will earn a "B". They made education important, so we as athletes made it important as well. Even though football has had its reputation tainted over the years, there is one thing that has remained with me from day one, and that is the connection between education and football. After many conversations about our futures, my coach would warn us, "your brain will out last your knees!" and he was right! Being involved with football taught me so many things like different ways to deal with challenges and how to communicate with others. I think sports in general are a great way to not only keep active, but to also to learn about yourself. And football taught me a lot about myself. Would I have been the same without it? I would say no. If you love football as much as I do, sit back and enjoy reading about how football and education take the field together for a successful life. Tolerate greatness and you will achieve it. ~ Howard Clay / Publisher

Howard J. Clay/ Publisher

Howard J. Clay

Howard J. Clay is available for speaking engagements, clinics/ seminars, as well as appearances for organizations, corporate and school events. For Booking

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