The Get Well Stay Well Guide

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Wash Your Hands. Properly. Washing your hands before eating, before AND after going to the bathroom, coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose will decrease your likelihood of spreading a virus. The 3 crucial components to a good hand washing: warm water, soap, and friction (nothing beats this!). Wet your hands with warm water, lather well by rubbing hands together (be sure you don't miss in between your fingers) while you sing the ABCs (in your head if you are tone deaf). Rinse thoroughly, dry well, and repeat often!

Wash this! We waste up to 10% of our personal care

Dry off! Cotton is considered the world's 'dirtiest' crop

products because we don't use every ounce. If you use a

due to it’s insane use and overuse of insecticides,

bar instead of liquid soap, you can use every last bit

hazardous to both human and animal health. Just think

which means less waste and less packaging. Using 100%

about those not-so-snuggly conventional cotton hand

natural and organic soap means you aren’t drying out

towels we rub our clean hands and face on. Choosing

your skin, and you're not washing your hands with the

organic cotton or other eco happy fibre towels are best

same toxins that you are trying to remove.

(and safest) for our skin and our world.

Try Consonant Organic Body Soap - No animal by-products,

Try drying your hands with a Coyuchi organic hand towel. And

synthetic colour or fragrance so it’s safe for the entire family to

when you update your towels (for obvious reasons) it’s the perfect

use but still extremely effective. Bonus? Each bar comes with a

time to update your linens too! It’s amazing how widely available

loofah to hold the soap so no more sticky sinks or dirty soap

organic cotton options are now, and you no longer have to break

dishes in the bathroom.

the bank to get the quality you deserve.

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