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S Českými aeroliniemi NA SEYCHELY Ve čtvrtek ve 22.25, přílet do destinace ve 12.55 následujícího dne. Ze Seychel do Prahy ve středu ve 20.40, přílet v 6.10. * Ve spolupráci s Etihad Airways, přestup v Abú Dhabi.

▾ Ti, kteří se rádi potápějí, nebudou chtít ve zdejších vodách vůbec sundat brýle ani ploutve a vylézt na břeh. In these waters, those who like to dive will not want to take off their fins and goggles and climb ashore at all.

svítí celý rok. Jediné nebezpečí, které vám tu hrozí, je, že se na prudkém sluníčku spálíte nebo na vás spadne kokosový ořech. Nikdo tu nikam nespěchá, na ostrovech je jen jeden jediný semafor. Hodinky klidně můžete nechat odpočívat na nočním stolku v hotelovém pokoji, čas tu plyne úplně jinak a nikdo si s ním příliš neláme hlavu. Čekají vás pouze někdy až kýčovité pohledy na spektakulární západy slunce nad fascinující scenerií oceánu, širokých pláží, palem a růžových žulových skalisek. Mezi ostrovy se dá pohodlně cestovat malými letadélky nebo lodní dopravou, takže když se nabažíte jednoho tropického miniráje, můžete zamířit na další. Podle jedné místní legendy byly právě Seychely oním prapůvodním rájem, kde Adam poznal Evu. Po pobytu na těchto nádherných ostrovech tomu možná sami začnete věřit.

eyes. The Seychellois Morne National Park in the north of Mahé in turn allows for memorable walks through rainforest vegetation and provides views of streams rushing into the ocean, of rugged wild coastline and deserted small beaches. But the very best beaches are in the south of the island. For example, sand on the one called Anse Takamaka is so white that you will feel that you are walking into the aquamarine sea through hot snow. Nuts of love

Seychelles are sometimes nicknamed the treasury of nature, as many endemic plant grow here. One of them, the Coco de Mer palm, you will see virtually everywhere on the islands – from images on postal stamps and entry stamps upon arrival, to souve-

The Seychelles waters are inhabited by more than a thousand species of fish of the most imaginable colours. nir shops. It is because the nuts of this palm tree became a symbol of the Seychelles. European kings were once willing to pay almost unbelievable sums to obtain them for their collections. Coco de Mer nuts, sometimes also called love nuts, are the largest seeds in the world, and so similar to female behind and lap that they gave rise to countless legends and erotic rituals. Anyone can buy them today, but taking them home from the Seychelles is not so simple. All nuts are protected by the government and trade with them is subject to strict rules. Therefore, do not attempt to take away even a nut washed ashore by the ocean, as you might pay a hefty fine for any seed without a government registration mark. Divers’ paradise

The Seychelles waters are inhabited by more than a thousand species of fish of the most imaginable shapes and colours that would not even fit onto the painter’s palette. If you do not have a diving license already, this is the right place to begin with the sport. To share their natural environment with sea turtles and morays is simply an amazing experience. And if you arrive between August and October, you can dive with the colossal whale sharks which migrate around the islands at this time. These sharks can reach the length of twelve meters and can weigh over twenty tons. However, you do not have to be afraid of them at all. These giants are completely peaceful and feed exclusively on plankton. 32

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