Florida Summer 2010

Page 46

THE NEW REALITY Budgets Are the Big Challenge Staff layoffs and departmental changes 14.1%

What’s the most difficult part of your job today?

Greater financial scrutiny 13.6%

Shorter lead times 11.4%

Shrinking budgets 36.0%

(In-house planners) Less organizational support 8.5% Greater process complexity 5.1%

Staying on top of the industry 7.3%

Budgets Are Down, Pressure Is Up To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about event planning today as compared to two years ago? (All planners) 5=Strongly agree, 0= Strongly disagree




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Events Are Expected to Drive Business

How are events used as a part of your organization’s overall marketing strategy? (In-house planners)







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44 bizbash.com summer 2010

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