IUCN Freshwater Fish Red List 2011

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taxa that have been evaluated using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1 (IUCN 2001). There are nine Categories, ranging from Least Concern, for species that are not threatened, to the Extinct category, for species that have disappeared from the planet2. The IUCN Red List Categories are based on a set of quantitative criteria linked to population trends, population size and structure, and geographic range. Species classified as Vulnerable, Endangered and Critically Endangered are considered as ‘threatened’. When conducting regional or national assessments, two additional categories are used (Regionally Extinct and Not Applicable) for non-native species (IUCN 2003) (Figure 1).


To strengthen the network of experts focused on conservation of freshwater fishes in Europe, so that the assessments can be kept up-to-date, and expertise be targeted to address the highest conservation priorities.

The assessment provides three main outputs: ■■



1.4 Objectives of the assessment The European regional assessment has four main objectives: ■■ To contribute to regional conservation planning through the provision of a baseline dataset describing the conservation status of Europe’s freshwater fish species. ■■ To identify those geographic areas and habitats that need conservation measures to prevent extinctions and ensure that European freshwater fishes reach and maintain a favourable conservation status. ■■ To identify the major threats and propose mitigating measures and conservation actions to address them.

This summary report on the status and distribution of European freshwater fishes; their main threats and recommendations for conservation measures. A freely available database holding the baseline data for monitoring the status and distribution of European freshwater fishes. A website and data portal (http://ec.europa.eu/ environment/nature/conservation/species/redlist and http://www.iucnredlist.org/europe) showcasing this data in the form of species factsheets for all European freshwater fishes, along with background and other interpretative material.

The data presented in this report provide a snapshot based on the knowledge available at the time of writing. The database will continue to be updated and made freely and widely available. IUCN will ensure a wide dissemination of these data to relevant decision makers, NGOs and scientists to strengthen and support the implementation of conservation actions on the ground.

Figure 1. IUCN Red List Categories at regional scale

2 For a description of each of the global IUCN Red List Categories go to: http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001categories-criteria#categories


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