Bewitching Book Tours Magazine October Edition

Page 16

“He was in my Geometry class last semester.” “That hardly makes you his protector.” “You’re right. It’s just that…” “You didn’t have a crush on him, did you?” I thought about that for a moment. “Maybe a little one.” I smiled sheepishly. What can I say—Cesar was a cutie. “So did half the girls in here. Get in line.” Most of the well dressed mourners were indeed high school girls. Many of them had crushes on Cesar since way back in junior high when he was cast as the lead’s annoying little brother in a very popular Disney Channel movie. That movie was the highlight of Cesar’s acting career, but from the number of girls present he was still living off the glory… or was. Then Willie Tillary walked in. Willie was wearing a dark blue crushed velvet suit in dire need of a pressing. “I think I saw Eddie Murphy wearing that suit in Coming To America,” Talia said with a chuckle. I smiled. Willie Tillary was a drunk who hung out in front of Grauman’s on Hollywood Boulevard, hustling tourists. Willie would do anything for a buck. I had a good idea why he was here. He approached us. “Hey there, Little Miss lady.” I could smell his wine breath. “Hey there, Willie. I didn’t know you knew Cesar.” His face went blank. “Who’s Ceezah?” he said dropping the ‘r’. “The kid you’ve obviously come here to raise.” “I thought his name was Benny.” “That was his character’s name in the movie.” “He was in a movie?” Now we sounded like an Abbott and Costello routine. I nodded. “Oh… Okay, thanks. Wouldn’t want to mess that up.” He smiled and nudged me as if we were coconspirators. Good old Willie. We actually did have something in common. Willie was also born with the gift and had been a celebrated necromancer before losing it all in an alcoholic haze. Over the past several years I’m sure he’d raised more hell than dead people. “Nice suit,” Talia said, mischief in her eyes. “Thanks.” Willie brightened, not realizing Talia was yanking his chain. The fog of drink shielded him from all embarrassment. No wonder so many high school kids indulged. Willie leaned into me. “How come you’re not doing this? This is a piece of cake for you.” “Not my thing.” “Yeah, I used to be like that.” “What do you mean, have scruples?” “Exactly.” “Mr. Tillary, thank you for coming.” Mrs. Alejandro again stood by our side. “Umm… yeah. Sorry to hear about your son, uhh…” His face went blank. He looked at me. “Cesar.” “Ceezah.” Willie hung his head. He watched her out of the corner of his eye for a reaction. The fact that he didn’t know her son’s name hadn’t phased her one bit. I didn’t think it would.

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