Too young for respect? Realising respect for young children in their everyday environments

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Acknowledgements Thanks are due to Des Gasper for discussions

an earlier version of the paper and the Publica-

of the philosophical literature, Rita Swinnen for

tions Unit at the Bernard van Leer Foundation

conversations about respect for young children,

for its efficiency and courtesy.

an external reviewer for useful comments on

Executive summary ‘Children should be seen and not heard’. Dis-

General Comment 7 of the Committee on the

missive statements like this one about children,

Rights of the Child urges that the youngest

especially young children, are heard in various

children should be respected as persons in their

societies and express a trivialisation of child-

own right, within an environment of reliable

hood that is often taken as justified.

and affectionate relationships based on respect and understanding. But what do such environ-

This paper challenges such routine disrespect

ments look like on the ground? Two case studies

shown to young children in everyday life,

are presented, one pertaining to children from

both in word and deed, in cultures around the

birth to three years in day care environments,

world. It highlights the conceptual disrespect

and the other focusing on children above the

towards young children upon which much

age of four years in primary school settings.

theorising about ‘respect’ – for adults – has been premised from the secular philosophies of the ‘Enlightenment’ until today.

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