Effectiveness in early childhood development

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‘Ready for anything’ (Mexico) photo: Marc Mataheru

themselves to the maximum possible:

months and six years, offering early

model is very similar to that of the state of

people need to understand what education

education, pre-school education, and

Mexico, but there are differences. One is

and infant development necessarily imply;

health and nutrition services. These centres

that much of the work is carried out in

contain areas for the smallest babies, for

homes rather than in centres; a second is

those who are still breastfeeding, for pre-

linked to the fact that most of the

the interactive network of which they

schoolers, for adult learning, for eating,

communities in Oaxaca have less than a

form part.

and for medical consultations using

thousand inhabitants, have a higher

traditional treatment and medicines.

percentage of indigenous people who are

Education of the children is by the mothers

also illiterate and monolingual, and have

The practice

of the women’s organisations. These

their own cultural rules.

We have developed a method of

people are fully trained and are monitored

promotion, organisation and

permanently. Parallel with the work in the

To accommodate these, a different

centres, a sub programme about children’s

methodology has been developed. This has

the participation of adults.

rights has been developed. This involves

12 steps to give a cultural diagnosis of the

In practical terms, this means

children and young people from 2 to 18.

community that allows us a profound

and to comprehend both the environment in which they live, and

action-research that starts from

understanding of cultural practices in:

promoting the participation of all those who directly influence the development of young children –

Model curricula UCIEP

childhood; the exploitation, use and

developed a model curriculum in the

conservation of natural resources; norms

parents, grandparents, aunts and

state of Mexico that linked the education of

and customs in social, political, justice and

uncles, cousins, siblings, teachers.

adults with that of children, and has a

economic organisation; the revaluation of

This work is done in small groups, and

cognitive orientation. Learning makes

language and traditions that allow the

the tasks of the participants include

sense to the participants because it is

preservation of cultural identity; and the

considering whether the social

constructive and purposive. It also includes

identification of the basic needs of the

learning how to operate productive

families and community. The construction

workshops for the parents whose children

of a model curriculum for early and pre-

attend the centres.

school education is based on these data.

decide what more is required, and find

In the state of Oaxaca, we are now echoing

Objectives and operations

ways to provide this.

this by constructing a model curriculum

In essence, the ‘Citlalmina’ project works

that we call ‘Comunidad, niñez y familia


indígena’ (COMUNIFAM – Community,


conditions of the community offer the optimal conditions for the development of their children. If they do not, then it is the members of the community who must

So far, results have included providing daycare centres for children between three

Childhood and the Indigenous Family). This

B e r nard van Leer Foundat ion


Early Childhood Matters

Women’s self-development, and development of the families;

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