The Un-Holy Bible (B.C. edition)

Page 38

In the wide heavens darkness was the darkest; in the faraway, distant stars their eyes were blinking. More leagues Alalu traveled, then a sight of great joy met his gaze: In the expanse of the heavens, the celestials' emissary was him greeting! Little Gaga, the One Who Shows the Way, by its circuit Alalu was greeting, to him a welcome extending. With a leaning gait, before and after the celestial Antu it was destined to travel, To face forward, to face backward, with two facings was it endowed. Its appearance as first to greet Alalu as a good omen he at once considered; By the celestial gods he is welcomed! So was his understanding. In his chariot Alalu followed Gaga's path; to the second god of the heavens it was directing. Soon celestial Antu, its name by King Enshar was given, in the deep's darkness was looming; Blue as pure waters was her hue; of the Upper Waters she was the commencement. Alalu by the sight's beauty was enchanted; to course at a distance he continued. In the far beyond Antu's spouse began to shimmer, by size Antu's the equal; As his spouse's double, by a greenish blueness was An distinguished. A dazzling host encircled it on its side; with firm grounds they were provided. To the two celestials Alalu bade a fond farewell, the path of Gaga still discerning. The way it was showing to its olden master, of whom it was once the counselor: To Anshar, the Foremost Prince of the heavens, the course was a-turning. By the speeding chariot, Alalu the ensnaring pull of Anshar could tell; With bright rings of dazzling colors the chariot it was enchanting! His gaze Alalu to one side quickly turned, That Which Shows the Way with might he diverted.

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