October 2012 Biomass Magazine

Page 32

¦POWER Koczaja says the project team looked at several possibilities for the Covington location, but in the end decided to work on what made the most sense for the city inside the fences of the wastewater treatment plant. After holding several city meetings with the public, Gordon says his city is excited about being out in front of the waste-to-energy opportunity he and PHG believe exists in the region.

The Downdraft Secret Most of Koczaja’s sentences describing the benefit of PHG’s technology begin with “the beauty of,” but, there is proof behind the PHG technology. At a brick production facility in Gleason, Tenn., PHG was able to put an early version of its technology to the test. At the facility, which has since gone under but graciously allowed PHG to continue operations of its six gasification units as a pseudo R&D lab and feedstock testing facility, PHG was able to prove the benefits of a gravity-based system. “We have taken the proven downdraft gasifier and made two significant changes,”

ONE FOR ALL: The downdraft gasification approach allows multiple gasifiers to run off one feedstock handling and supply set-up.

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