December 2012 Biomass Magazine

Page 16

BiomassNews Booming growth expected in bioplastic production capacity

Community digester opens in Michigan

European Bioplastics projects that the global bioplastic industry will experience a fivefold increase in production volumes between 2011 and 2016, from approximately 1.2 million metric tons to 5.8 million metric tons. The most significant growth is expected to be in nonbiodegradable plastics, such as biobased polyethylene (PE) and polyethylene *Data sourced from European Bioplastics terephthalate (PET). The market forecast published by European Australia were 32.8 percent, 18.5 percent, Bioplastics estimates that PET will represent 13.7 percent and 0.4 percent. By 2016, Asia 4.6 million, or 80 percent of total bioplastic is expected to be home to 46.3 percent of production capacity, by 2016. capacity, with South America close behind Asia had the most bioplastic producat 45.1 percent. Europe, North America and tion capacity online in 2011, with 34.6 perAustralia are expected to represent a relative cent. The relative capacity percentages for 4.9 percent, 3.5 percent and 0.2 percent of South America, Europe, North America and production capacity.

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Novi Energy has opened a large-scale community digester project in southeastern Michigan. Construction of the $22 million Fremont Community Digester plant began in 2010. The facility is expected to be completed during the fourth quarter of 2012. The plant utilizes a complete-mix anaerobic digestion technology and is capable of taking in 100,000 tons of food waste on an annual basis. Feedstock will be sourced from a variety of regional food processors and agricultural operations. The resulting biogas will be fed to two reciprocating internal combustion engines to produce 3 MW of electricity, which is being sold to Consumers Energy under a long-term contract. Debt financing for the project came from Comerica Bank and was supported by a $12.8 million USDA 9003 loan guarantee. INDUS Energy LLC is the majority owner of the project.

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