IMCOM Campaign Plan

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Sub-tasks: IR4-1: Leverage private sector and local community Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) partnership opportunities, Army Compatible Use Buffers (ACUB), Sustainable Communities initiatives and other methods to develop cost effective operations, sustainable infrastructure, and high quality services and facilities for our Soldiers and their Families. IR4-2: Employ Utilities Privatization (UP) to reduce Army liabilities for deficient utility systems and their deteriorated capabilities. IR4-3: Employ Utilities Privatization (UP) to increase the sustainability of utility systems, and improve energy surety and security thereby increasing the value of utility assets privatized, which are fully funded for recapitalization and ongoing repair and restoration requirements.  IR5 The Army’s Infrastructure Modernized and Sustainable Goal: Execute an Installation Management Community holistic facilities investment strategy. Maintain situational awareness of infrastructure condition and life-cycle material resource consumption. Plan at the enterprise and installation level to modernize facilities with Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization (SRM) and MILCON funds. Upgrade the infrastructure to improve their energy efficiency, water efficiency, resource use, and the overall capability to support the current and future requirements of Senior Commanders. Use current technology to support sound business decisions and provide new ways to deliver quality services effectively. Metrics:  Improving condition of the Army's worst facilities through execution of SRM projects.  Reduce energy and water usage in each monitored and metered building. Sub-tasks: IR5-1: Systematically modernize and upgrade facilities to attain modern functional mission requirements. IR5-2: Manage transportation infrastructure (bridges, dams, roads, railroads and water front ports) that efficiently and effectively meets current and future planned demand. IR5-3: Sustain and modernize utility infrastructure condition and capacity to improve energy and water efficiencies to meet Senior Commander requirements.


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