Barely South Review - April 2012

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At the time it kind of pissed me off, because what does he know, but I think he may be right. And he’s also very cute. I didn’t really answer him, just walked along and changed the subject to rhinoceroses, because in my opinion, if you ever find yourself in a conversation going somewhere you don’t want it to go to, just bring up rhinoceroses. And so then Stephen walked me back to the dorm and very nicely kissed me goodnight on the cheek. I think I’m going to like college. 3.) In summation, my ethos is that I’m actually a nice girl who just got a raw deal on account of Mike Tyson, mean girls, and boobs. My pathos is to make you, Patricia Ballance, feel bad about telling Ronnie he had to break up with me. If I was a man and I made out with girls in the dugout, you wouldn’t have cared at all. It stinks that you’re a grown-up woman who should know how these things work and you’re the one perpetrating this myth that I’m bad. My logos is to show you the logical progression of Mike Tyson making me into a seemingly bad girl, and all the other stuff that went into my socalled reputation. 4.) And just so you know, I was the only one in my school who could have pulled off that prom dress. And red never does go out of style. 5.) I have moved past all this now, and so should you. Sincerely (and not badly) yours, Evelyn Ann Austin


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