British Academy Cymru Awards 2013 programme

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Croeso cynnes iawn i chi i Ganolfan Mileniwm Cymru, cartref Gwobrau Cymru’r Academi Brydeinig heno am y chweched flwyddyn yn olynol.

A very warm welcome to the Wales Millennium Centre, home for the sixth consecutive year of tonight’s British Academy Cymru Awards.

Y Gwobrau hyn yw safon aur ein diwydiant a, heno, byddwn yn canu clodydd y bobl hynny sydd wedi diddanu, addysgu a thanio brwdfrydedd cynulleidfaoedd ledled Cymru a thu hwnt trwy roi llwyfan i’r goreuon o blith ein doniau creadigol ym myd ffilm a theledu. Mae ateb heriau newidiadau diwylliannol, cymdeithasol a thechnolegol yn golygu bod ein diwydiannau creadigol yn esblygu’n gyson ond er gwaetha pwysau a chyflymder y newid, nid oes pall ar ein doniau creadigol eithriadol ac maent wrth galon ein busnes. Heno, caiff hyn oll ei adlewyrchu yn yr amrywiaeth arbennig o enwebiadau ac yn y cyfoeth o berfformiadau unigol a gallu technegol. Yn ogystal â dathlu rhagoriaeth, un o brif amcanion yr Academi yng Nghymru yw codi lefel y gwerthfawrogiad a’r ddealltwriaeth o gelfyddyd y ddelwedd symudol, a thrwy gefnogaeth ein haelodau, noddwyr a chefnogwyr, gwnawn hyn drwy ystod lawn o ddigwyddiadau gan gynnwys dosbarthiadau meistr, darlithoedd, paneli’r diwydiant a chyfleoedd rhagwylio. Felly, diolchaf i’n darlledwyr – BBC Cymru Wales, S4C ac ITV Cymru Wales

am eu cefnogaeth barhaus, ac i’n noddwyr a’r sefydliadau niferus sy’n chwarae rhan mor hanfodol i’n helpu ni i gyflwyno’n gweithgareddau drwy gydol y flwyddyn. Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, mae NEP Cymru wedi bod yn gefnogwr pybyr a ffyddlon i Wobrau BAFTA Cymru a hoffwn ddiolch yn arbennig i Tony “TC” Cahalane, Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr NEP Cymru, a’i dîm am eu sgiliau technegol amhrisiadwy, ac i Richard Moss, Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr Gorilla, am ddarparu’r holl gyfleusterau cynhyrchu unwaith eto ar gyfer ein Gwobrau heno. Hoffwn ddiolch yn arbennig i John Willis, Cadeirydd BAFTA, Amanda Berry, Prif Weithredwr yr Academi a Kevin Price, y Prif Swyddog Gweithredol a’u timau am eu cefnogaeth ddi-ffael. Hoffwn ddiolch hefyd i Allison Dowzell, Cyfarwyddwr BAFTA Cymru, ynghyd â’i thîm, aelodau Pwyllgor BAFTA Cymru a rheithgorau BAFTA. Yn olaf, diolch i bob un ohonoch sydd wedi gweithio mor ddiflino i gyflwyno Gwobrau BAFTA Cymru 2013 ac, yn benodol, i Jonathan Davies, Cynhyrchydd y Gwobrau, a’n cyflwynwyr heno, Sian Lloyd a Matt Johnson. Llongyfarchiadau i bob un ohonoch sydd wedi cael eich enwebu heno! Dewi Vaughan Owen Cadeirydd BAFTA Cymru

These Awards represent the gold standard of our industry and tonight we will shine a spotlight on those who have entertained, informed and enthused audiences throughout Wales and beyond by showcasing the very best of our creative talents in film and television. Meeting the challenges of cultural, social and technological change means that our creative industries are in a constant state of evolution but regardless of the pressures and pace of change our exceptional creative talent remains undiminished and lies at the very heart of our business. Tonight we will see this reflected in the fantastic range of nominations and a wealth of individual performances and technical ability. In addition to celebrating excellence one of the principal objectives of the Academy in Wales is to raise the level of appreciation and understanding of the art forms of the moving image and, with the support of our members, sponsors and supporters, we do this through a full range of events including masterclasses, lectures, industry panels and preview screenings. I therefore thank our broadcasters, BBC Cymru Wales, S4C

and ITV Wales for their continuing support together with our sponsors and the many organisations that play such a vital role in helping us deliver our activities throughout the year. Over recent years NEP Cymru have been a steadfast and loyal supporter of our BAFTA Cymru Awards and my particular thanks goes to Tony “TC” Cahalane, MD of NEP Cymru and his team for their invaluable technical skill and to Richard Moss, MD of Gorilla, for again providing a full range of production facilities for our Awards this evening. My particular thanks to John Willis, Chairman of BAFTA, to Amanda Berry, Chief Executive of the Academy and to Kevin Price, Chief Operating Officer and their teams for their unstinting support. My thanks also to Allison Dowzell, Director of BAFTA Cymru, together with her team, members of the BAFTA Cymru Committee and our BAFTA juries. Finally, a thank you to all who have worked so tirelessly to deliver our BAFTA Cymru Awards 2013 and in particular Jonathan Davies, our Awards Producer, and our hosts this evening Sian Lloyd and Matt Johnson. Congratulations to every individual nominated this evening! Dewi Vaughan Owen Chairman BAFTA Wales


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