Engine Builder, November 2013

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12,14 CAD designs 11/20/13 8:26 AM Page 14

Editor’s Page cylinder heads takes skill and expertise to achieve consistency, the CAD program enables the builder to make changes and review the data without having to risk damaging an expensive cylinder head. And once a performance engine builder has developed a port configuration they are satisfied with on the computer, CAD programming allows the user to digitally map the port and replicate it again and again with near perfect consistency in the remaining ports of the cylinder head using the CNC machinery, providing continuous, accurate results. Best of all, that port configuration data now saved on the CAD software is often used in computer can also be conjunction with CAM-equipped modified quickly with the CAD software for different machinery, such as a 5-Axis CNC builders take a cylinder head porting machine, engine designs and applilot of pride in offering a shop the precision cations, allowing the user their “handsand speed needed to reproduce nearly unlimited configucylinder heads with exceptional on” approach ration tweaks. accuracy – with no handwork to hand-portPerformance manifolds needed. Photo courtesy Rottler ing services, are another component Manufacturing. they may not that, to save costs and be interested in optimize airflow, are re-learning the work via computer. designed using CAD programming. But, as the industry looks to inFor more on matching the best manicrease a younger generation of enfold to your engine build, check out gine builders, the utilization of more Larry Carley’s article beginning on computers in an engine shop could page 42 of this issue. be an attractive draw. One drawback to the CAD techYounger job-seekers familiar with nology is taking the time to learn the computer-aided component developsoftware programming. According to ment and design programs that they those knowledgeable in this field, the learned in a technical school could be learning curve for CAD/CAM is an asset to your performance shop rather steep and typically takes six and help bring in new business and months to a year before a self-taught increase profits. user is really competent with the Let’s face it, it’s probably less design software. stressful on a shop owner if an And since some performance employee makes a design mistake on

Circle 14 for more information 14 November 2013 | EngineBuilder

a computer program that can be redone with little harm, than to fritter away a lot of shop time, equipment time and the cost of ruining or damaging expensive engine components and materials. Plus, it’s less stressful on the employee, who doesn’t want the stigma of being the one who ruined a potential performance build for a customer. (Keep in mind, too, that CAD/CAM is not fool proof when it comes to CNC machining. Glitches can still happen that end up incorrectly machining a part or damaging the CNC tooling.) Another roadblock for this technology in is deciding which CAD software program to purchase that best fits your shop’s needs. Since ours is a vocal industry and many performance builders are helpful in sharing knowledge and their experience, were looking for your input. If you have used CAD and CAM programs successfully in your engine builds, please let us know which software you prefer. Or, if you work for a company that provides computer aided design or computer aided manufacturing programs for performance engine builders, email us your contact information to esunkin@babcox.com that we may use in our Engine Builders Performance Buyers Guide, which will be available in the March issue, as well as online at enginebuildermag.com. ■

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