Desert Dawn 2011

Page 9

T “I was eight years old when my mother took me and my sisters "%$"?-$?%#0!")*+$E$B)#$1-)**,$"-11!'!-/$ because I didn’t know what was =%!.=$%.+$E$-."-1-/$)$B?!"-$1%%9$ and was told by the nurse to lay %.$"?-$3-/+$8$&-B$9!.2"-#$*)"-1F$ I felt severe pain and then every‐ thing ended,” narrates 21 year old Asma Obaid, about the day her 9%"?-1$"%%@$8#9)$)./$?-1$'!C-$ #!#"-1#$&%1$O)$D2!(@$"1!0+7 Female circumcision is considered a sensitive topic in UAE society as people still argue about whether it is recommended Islamically or simply practiced because of tribal "1)/!"!%.#+$8$#!=.!&).("$.293-1$ of UAE Nationals follow the foot‐ steps of their parents and grand‐ parents without questioning the 01)("!(-$%&$&-9)*-$(!1(29(!#!%.+ If Islam encourages female circumcision, why do experts consider the practice medically and psychologically harmful to &-9)*-#K$E#$"?-1-$).,$1-*!=!%2#$ "-;"$0-%0*-$#?%2*/$1-&-1$"%K$5?)"$ !#$"?-$9-/!()*$0%!."$%&$C!-BK$81-$ "?-1-$3-.-'!"#$"%$"?!#$01)("!(-K$ L).,$D2-#"!%.#$1-=)1/!.=$&-9)*-$ (!1(29(!#!%.$.--/$).#B-1#+$ Female circumcision originated in Egypt in 100 BC, where the concept of the Pharaoh’s (!1(29(!#!%.$B)#$-#")3*!#?-/+$ It is based on the mutilation of the sensitive female genital area, which leaves only a very small aperture for the passage %&$21!.-$)./$9-.#"12)"!%.+$>?!#$ type of female circumcision is still popular in some Arab countries #2(?$)#$:=,0"$)./$A2/).+$E.$"?-$ P2*&$(%2."1!-#F$)./$#0-(!'!()**,$ in the UAE, female circumcision is to some still a tribal tradition and a religious tradition to oth‐

-1#+$8*"?%2=?$!"$?)#$3--.$3)..-/$ in UAE government hospitals, it is still performed secretly in the (%2."1,+$>?-$(%99%.$",0-$%&$ circumcision in the UAE is the one in which a small portion of "?-$&-9)*-$=-.!")*!)$!#$1-9%C-/+ Opinions on female circumcision vary because of cultural sensi‐ tivity and the different levels of education among members of "?-$(%992.!",+$E.$)$Desert Dawn survey of 200 Emiratis from both sexes on the subject of female circumcision, 34% of female respondents were circumcised 3-()2#-$%&$(2#"%9#$)./$"1)/!"!%.#+$$ 8$#!=.!'!()."$QRS$%&$(!1(29(!#-/$ female participants were in favor of female circumcision and will circumcise their daughters !.$"?-$&2"21-+$TUS$%&$)**$B%9-.$ respondents opposed the practice while 99% of male participants )*#%$%00%#-/$&-9)*-$(!1(29(!#!%.+

EI$EA[8L$ :\6YJH8P:A$ I:L8[:$ 6EH6JL6EAEY\F$ 5G]$4Y$ :^<:H>A$6Y\AE4:H$ >G:$<H86>E6:$ L:4E68[[]$8\4$ <A]6GY[YPE68[[]$ G8HLIJ[$>Y$ I:L8[:AK L)1!)9$G29)!/F$)$UV$,-)1$%*/$ university student, was seven years old when she was taken to her grandmother’s house who was known for her medical

@.%B*-/=-$!.$"?-$"1!3-+$WE$B)#$ feeling every needle prick as I was circumcised without any 0)!.$@!**-1#+X$L)1!)9$#"1-##-#$ that female circumcision is a must in her tribe; those who are circumcised will be respected and appreciated unlike those who are not and who will be held inferior )./$*%%@-/$/%B.$%.+$WY&$(%21#-$ I will circumcise my daughters and if my husband doesn’t like the idea, I will do whatever it ")@-#$"%$0-1#2)/-$?!9+X L)1!)9$"-**#$"?-$#"%1,$%&$?-1$ &1!-./F$UU$,-)1#$%*/$8*!)$A)--/F$ who was circumcised against her will when a man proposed to her and requested the circumcision )#$)$(%./!"!%.$"%$9)11,$?-1+$WE$1-‐ searched the topic and I discovered that if it was done in the correct B),F$!"$!#$)*1!=?"+X$A%$#?-$)=1--/$ )./$9)11!-/$?!9+$ A)1)$8*!F$)$UZ$,-)1$%*/$2.!C-1#!",$ student, was circumcised at the age of nine with her six sisters )"$)$=%C-1.9-."$?%#0!")*+$Y.-$ of her sisters was not circumcised after the authorities banned the 01)("!(-+$WL,$&)"?-1$/!/.7"$*!@-$"?-$ idea of female circumcision, but the pressure from my grandmother and aunts was greater than his B!#?+XA)1)$3-*!-C-#$&-9)*-$(!1(29‐ (!#!%.$C!%*)"-#$B%9-.7#$1!=?"#+$ Although the youngest in her family, 22 years old bank employee Fatma Essa is the only circumcised girl !.$?-1$&)9!*,+$G-1$9%"?-1$"%%@$?-1$ along with the mother’s friend and daughter to get both daughters (!1(29(!#-/+$I)"9)$"?!.@#$?-1$ mother was influenced by her &1!-./+$WE$/%.7"$@.%B$"?-$1-)#%.#$ behind the circumcision and I don’t know whether I am for or against it, but I’m sure that my

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