4th Edition Preview of Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World

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What then are the Articles that must be followed, apart from gender agreement? First, the original name may actually have been incorrect, quite apart from gender issues (taken up in Art. 34.2), in which case it must be corrected (Art. 32.5). Second, when there are two or more original spellings the selection of a First Reviser must be followed. Third, the Commission may have ruled on a spelling and then should be followed 2. In working towards the decisions covered by this appendix we consulted with Andy Elliott of Lynx Publications, because one of us (ND) was advising the editors of the Handbook of Birds of the World on these very same spellings. Our focus for this exercise was emendations and whether they were justified or unjustified. We thank Andy for his reasoned and helpful participation in this process which led to almost all decisions being made unanimously. We now report on the whole exercise under four headings, providing details mainly on non‐passerine cases; the passerines will be dealt with in the appendix to the second volume of this work. All names in the body of the Checklist which have changed either since the relevant volume of Peters Check‐list 3 or since Dickinson (2003) display the symbol δ after their ‘name string’ (i.e. after the author and date); many such names have footnotes attached to them. This appendix treats those and a few others. We do not list cases such as that of Indicator archipelagicus where Peters (1948) miscited the original spelling as archipelagus and used the incorrect subsequent spelling that he had ‘cited’.

Section 1: Conservation of spellings only exceptionally4 subject to potential change on account of prevailing usage 1.1 Mandatory changes to adjectival names under Arts. 31.2 and 34.2 In this edition, we have flagged with “v” (for variable) each declinable Latin or latinized adjectival or participial species‐group name. The endings (suffixes) of all such names must agree in gender with that of the generic name with which it is combined. The specific examples and general instructions provided by David & Gosselin (2000, 2002a, 2002b) allowed many changes to be made in Dickinson (2003). However, during this fresh process we noticed that that edition contained a number of adjectival epithets that did not agree in gender and that were not covered by the above mentioned references and which have been examined since. There are listed below and take account of the findings of David & Gregory (2008). Name in Dickinson (2003)

Name in this edition (2013)


Anas [F] cyanoptera orinomus Anas [F] cyanoptera tropicus

Spatula [F] cyanoptera orinoma Spatula [F] cyanoptera tropica

16 16

Tetrastes bonasia rhenana

Tetrastes bonasia rhenanus


Tetrastes sewerzowi secunda

Tetrastes sewerzowi secundus


Ptilinopus subgularis epia

Ptilinopus subgularis epius


Alectroenas nitidissima

Alectroenas nitidissimus


Alectroenas pulcherrima

Alectroenas pulcherrimus


Tachymarptis melba nubifuga

Tachymarptis melba nubifugus


Charadrius hiaticula psammodroma

Charadrius hiaticula psammodromus


Tringa totanus eurhinus

Tringa totanus eurhina


Otus [M] albogularis macabrum

Megascops [M] albogularis macabrus


Ceyx lepidus gentiana

Ceyx lepidus gentianus


Actenoides princeps erythrorhampha

Actenoides princeps erythrorhamphus


Falco araea araea

Falco araeus

Touit surdus chryseura

Touit surdus chryseurus

Northiella haematogaster haematorrhous

Northiella haematogaster haematorrhoa

350 357 fn 375

Although here we make a distinction; we follow Art. 80.8 as regards the veracity of a spelling in the Official List of Available Names in Zoology only if the Commissioners rendering their Opinion were actually ruling on the spelling of the name as opposed, say, to its precedence. For example, Opinion 409 (I.C.Z.N., 1956) suppressed seven specific names for the purposes of the Law of Priority; the suppression of Pelecanus cirrhatus J.F. Gmelin led to the placement on the Official List of the name albiventor Lesson, 1831 “as published in the combination Carbo albiventor”; however Lesson, 1831 actually spelled the name albiventer and the spelling in Opinion 409 is a lapsus calami and an incorrect subsequent spelling. Repeated requests to the Secretariat of the Commission to correct this under Art. 80.4 have been disregarded, no doubt due to more pressing matters. 3 Which, in the case of volume 1 of which there were two editions, implies the later (1979) edition. 4 These are exceptions arising solely under Arts. and 33.3.1. 2


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