AVENUE Magazine March 2011

Page 214

Colemarie: “Several radio stations have shown interest in the music already and we have been sending off demos as people request them for airtime on their radio shows which is exciting. The album has been selling steadily and will improve given time and as we release more material I am sure. As for feedback on the quality level of the music, I suppose we are both very private people here lately so have not been as social as usual. The feedback we do get seems to be more people relating to the overall feeling they get which is more rewarding.”

deeply under a song that also tells a story on the surface. Bryn’s work has always inspired me, and so I tend to use it as often as I am able to.” In the spirit of that statement, the cover artwork for the album is also an original work from Oh, while Colemarie clarifies her working relationship with the artist: “I am not sure what to say about my work with Bryn Oh. It is not really “work”. Bryn is my best friend.” With a recently released album in January 2011, the band has been enjoying some overwhelmingly positive feedback. Explains

From the success of their debut album, and the ever-growing fanbase of supporters in both first and Second Life, there is no limit to what the future holds for the team of superb talents. While their performances in Second Life may be limited, their star continues to grow in first life, and when it all comes down to it, that’s the ultimate dream. With their focus on creating new music, and spreading their sound to the world, Soleil has lived by its own motto: “Life is too short to care what people think. Do what you love. Love what you do.” And if their music is any indicator, these musical savants have followed this motto straight to the top. To keep up with the band, visit their website at: http://soleil-rising.blogspot.com. The album “Soleil” can be purchased via Bandcamp at: http://soleilrising.bandcamp.com, as well as at Itunes. A

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