AVENUE Magazine January 2011

Page 168

SS: How long have each of you been building in SL? AP: A little over a year for me. CM: Since 2007. EI: I came to SL because I saw that we could create here, so almost from the beginning for me. SS: When and what made you decide to open a sim together for your work? AP: We each had our own sims, but lost them this summer. We knew each other before, and decided to reunite after that. EI: With the costs of maintaining our own sims, we each lost them. But we knew each other prior to that. We appreciated each of our different styles and our different personalities. CM: We thought that sharing the costs and sharing our ideas would be a great experience, and we’re very satisfied right now. SS: So, how do you decide which pieces go on the sim? Are you each allotted a certain number of prims, or do you rotate who gets to release new pieces? AP: We each get a number of prims that we build upon. We also reserve a certain number for exhibitors. EI: We try to have some equality. But it depends on our creativity. I travel a lot in RL, so I don’t create as much. CM: We try to share prims, but sometimes one of us has more or less than the prim limit, but things just work out naturally. Actually, I’m the prim killer. (Laughs)

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