Smooth CoffeeScript

Page 212

Index %, 36 &&, 41 (), 21, 28 ++, 35 +=, 35 -, 24 –, 35 -=, 35 ->, 43 /, 153 ///, 155 /=, 35 =, 60 ==, 62, 73 ?, 39 ?., 77 *=, 35 [], 59, 63 {}, 59

A*, 128 backquotes, 39 binary heap, 130, 185 binary operator, 24 block, 31 body, 31, 43 Boolean, 30 boolean, 24 break, 37 call, 139 capitalisation, 34 catch, 85 chained comparison, 24 charAt, 66 class, 35, 139 closure, 51 comment, 34 compose, 114 concat, 112, 125 confirm, 29 constructor, 72, 139, 140 continue, 181 control flow, 35 corner case, 67

abstraction, 90 anonymous function, 55 any, 122 apply, 95, 138 applying, 21, 28 argument, 28, 43 arguments, 77 array, 63 attribute, 99

Date, 72 delete, 60 depend, 162


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