Augusta Prep Profile

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Rank in Class Augusta Preparatory Day School does not rank students due to small class sizes and homogeneous abilities. Grade Point Average (GPA) Only grades earned at Augusta Preparatory Day School are included when determining a student’s official GPA. When calculating weighted grade point averages, five (5) points are added to Advanced Placement course grades, four (4) to honors course grades, and three (3) to college preparatory academic course grades. These numeric grades are then averaged to obtain a yearly grade point average. The cumulative average determines the reported GPA. Standardized Testing All 9th and 10th graders take the PLAN test, 10th and 11th graders take the PSAT, and 11th and 12th graders take the SAT Reasoning Test and/or ACT with optional writing section. Students are encouraged to take SAT Subject Tests after completion of the respective course. Academic and Scholarship Recognition Class of 2011 Class of 2012 54 Total number of students in class 45 Total number of students in class 1 National Achievement Outstanding Participant 1 National Achievement Semifinalist 3 National Merit Semifinalists 1 National Merit Semifinalist 1 National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar 3 National Merit Commended Scholars 7 National Merit Commended Scholars 8 AP Scholars 5 AP Scholars with Honor 11 AP Scholars with Distinction 1 American Invitational Mathematics Examination Qualifier Advanced Placement Exams for the 2010-2011 School Year APDS Georgia Global Total AP students 80 72,539 1,977,932 Number of exams 187 121,017 3,466,091 AP Students with 3+ 66 39,659 1,190,853 % of total AP students with 3+ 82.5 54.7 60.2 ACT Scores – Class of 2011 – Middle 50% Ranges and Means APDS Middle APDS Mean Georgia All 50% Range (N = 45) CollegeCollegeBound Mean Bound Mean Composite 24-30 26.8 20.6 21.1 SAT Scores – Class of 2011 – Middle 50% Ranges and Means APDS APDS Georgia All Middle 50% Mean CollegeCollegeRange (N=59) Bound Mean Bound Mean Critical Reading 560-680 602 485 497 Math 560-680 602 487 514 Writing 550-670 603 473 489 Total 1710-2000 1807 1445 1500

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