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This is where a simple solution called eTransmit comes into play. Sure there are other methods out there, but this is easily the simplest and most comprehensive way to package your project drawings for delivery to a client. The eTransmit tool will look for every reference file, pen settings, .CTB/.STB files, plotter drivers, font files, images, and anything else that has a relationship to the file(s) contained within the eTransmit job. It’ll do all this and change all paths to relative, as well as add them to the files table to be packaged.

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project consisting of dozens or even hundreds of drawing files? No one would want to be handed the task of opening, binding/promoting, saving, and closing all of those files.

Figure 5: Configuring the eTransmittal for packaging.

AutoCAD Civil 3D


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The biggest perk of all, in my humble opinion, is when this package (a .ZIP or a self-extracting .EXE file) is extracted. All files are referenced accordingly to their new location on a hard drive or network and all paths are automatically updated. Thus, there should be no concern or confusion over broken or missing references. You can choose to run eTransmit from the Publish tools in the Application Menu or command line to package your open drawing file or from a Sheet Set Manager file to combine all relevant files for an entire project.

Colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black. Files not trapped or preflighted. Prepress company, please Preflight and Trap this art as needed.

Packaged eTransmittals can be set up to also accommodate many other challenges faced when working with subcontractors or a client. The “Transmittal Setups…” portion of the Create Transmittal dialog easily allows formatting all files to a different DWG version than the one in which they were saved, exploding AEC objects for those without Civil 3D or the object enablers, and many other functions to improve compatibility. It is also very easy to add files pertinent to the project, which wouldn’t otherwise be associated to any of the drawing files. These could include transmittal forms, calculation tables, reports; there is no limit to what file types can be added. All in all, eTransmitting is a simple and straightforward process. Constant Updates Internally

With any project comes change; in many cases, constant change. Autodesk has aided in dealing with this for internal collaboration in Civil 3D 2012 by integrating the Sheet Set Manager with Autodesk Vault 2012. More specifically, this integration is only available to the following version of Vault 2012: Vault Workgroup, Vault Collaboration, and Vault Professional. This integration allows you to perform the following actions from Sheet Set Manager: • Add sheet sets to Vault • Access and modify sheet sets in a multi-user and multi-site environment • Provide Vault status information for sheet drawings August 2011

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Bare Earth After

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