att.JAPAN Issue 58

Page 12


From Tokyo: 2h

by Joetsu Shinkansen bullet train


Shibata Niitsu

Akakura Onsen 赤倉溫泉

Kashiwazaki Naoetsu

From Tokyo: 1h 50min

by Nagano Shinkansen bullet train

From Nagoya: 2h 50min

Nagano ➔ Myoko-kogen Sta. (40 min by Shin-etsu Line) / 長野 ➔ 妙高高原站(搭信越本線約40分鐘) This hot spring resort offers visitors skiing and snowboarding activities. An onsen sommelier is on hand to provide information on the benefits of hot spring bathing and tips on bathing effectively.



by Limited Express Shinano

From Tokyo: 1h 10min by Joetsu Shinkansen bullet train

Joetsu Shinkansen Line

Takasaki Nagano Shinkansen Line


溫泉達人會指導溫泉的功效與正確的入浴方式。還可 以享受滑雪或滑雪板活動。


Chuo Main Line


Iwamuro Onsen 岩室溫泉 Niigata ➔ Iwamuro Sta. (45 min by Echigo Line) / 新潟 ➔ 岩室站(搭越後線約45分鐘) This hot spring resort is especially recommended for gourmets craving the seafood from the Sea of Japan and the delicious rice. There are many sake breweries and most hotels will be happy to arrange a sake brewery tour for you. 有日本海的海鮮與好吃的稻米,是適合大啖美食的溫 泉地。這裡有很多日本酒的酒庫,拜託投宿的飯店的 話,還可以參觀酒庫呢!




Blessed with Hot Springs (Onsen) and Only a Few Hours from Tokyo Hokuriku Line


Niigata is an area with heavy snowfall, where skiing started in Japan, which produces fine rice and the best sake in Japan, and home to many fine hot springs. There are hot springs located on the oceanfront, ones with beautiful views of the snow, and ones renowned for water quality that is good for the health and beauty.

Oito Line

Shin-etsu Line

新潟是日本最先開始滑雪的大雪地區,也是稻米產地,所產的日本酒是日本第一 美味。新潟有靠海的溫泉,有可以賞雪的溫泉,還有美人之湯等等,是擁有豐富 溫泉的好地方。

Niigata for a wonderful variety of winter events and delicious food! 新潟的冬天,有許多好吃的東西跟有趣的活動! The 20th Niigata Fuyu Shoku no Jin "Tojitsu-za"

att. Hot Springs

Stalls at each venue serve a variety of dishes including original hot pot dishes and Niigata burgers on "Koshihikari" rice powder bread. One thousand yen is enough to satisfy anyone’s appetite. This year's theme is "Local Fried Noodles." Enjoy!

Niigata Sake no Jin 2012 500 kinds of sake from 90 breweries in Niigata Prefecture are available for tasting. Purchase a ticket for only 2,000 yen, and try as many as you like.

Furumachi 古町

Bandai City


10 a.m. -5 p.m. on February 11 (Sat) and 12 (Sun), 2012

Niigata Sta. 新潟站

第20屆 新潟 冬季 食之陣「當日座」 各會場佈滿引以自豪的食之陣拿手熱騰騰的火鍋及運用越光米的米粉 所做成的麵包而製的「新潟漢堡」等,各式各樣的攤販大顯身手。今 年的主題是「當地的炒麵」。花個 1,000 圓日幣就能大快朵頤吃個過癮。

Niigata Furusatomura 新潟故鄉村


Venues: From 5 Bancho to 8 Bancho on Furumachi-dori Street, Bandai City, Nigiwai Ichiba Pier Bandai, East Way of Niigata Station in Chuo-ku, Niigata City, and Niigata Furusatomura in Nishi-ku, Niigata City

12 att. JAPAN Winter/2011-12

會場: 新潟市中央區 古町通5番町∼8番町 、萬代CITY、熱鬧市場PIER Bandai、新潟 站東側連絡通路、新潟市西區 新潟故鄉村

10 a.m. -5 p.m. on March 17 (Sat) and 18 (Sun), 2012

Toki Messe 朱鷺MESSE

新潟淡麗・新潟酒之陣2012 新潟縣內共有90家製酒廠家, 共500種的清酒大會串!買張2000圓日幣的試飲券就能無限暢飲。


Niigata Sta. 新潟站 Venues: Exhibition Hall (Wave Market) at Toki Messe 會場: 朱鷺MESSE WAVE MARKET 展示廳

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