ATMOS ENT catalogue 2012 / 2013 - english

Page 168

High-power LEDs with daylight quality (5,200 K)!

ATMOS LED Light Cube

The superior LED technology will open your eyes! Through the development of new stand-alone LED light cubes, you can now use the much higher light intensity NOX[ ZLWK GD\OLJKW TXDOLW\ HYHQ DW H[LVWLQJ XQLWV <RX FDQ SODFH WKH OLJKW PRGXOH ZKHUH LW LV EHVW IRU \RX 7KLV JLYHV \RX WKH EHVW SRVVLEOH HUJRQRPLFV DQG XVH WKH HQHUJ\ HIILFLHQF\ RI /(' WHFKQRORJ\

Comparison of different light sources Assess for yourself the comparison between the different light sources and the pleasant colour temperature:

Competitor 1


Competitor 2

ATMOS LED Light Cube

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