ATMOS ENT catalogue 2012 / 2013 - english

Page 165


Innovative endoscopes from ATMOS $XWRFODYDEOH XS WR & High temperature-proof special adhesives, Sapphire lenses, Glass cylinders, High-quality steel / VSHFLDO SODVWLF

Optical system... with a clearer largeformat lens and wide-angle focus for very JRRG LPDJH TXDOLW\

Latest generation... of lenses for a clearer image, no ³VRIW IRFXVLQJ³ DW WKH HGJHV

Connections… from all conventional PDQXIDFWXUHUV

High scratchproof protected sapphire lenses with a longer useful life and less wear and tear with improved RSWLFDO SURSHUWLHV

Connection to the mobile light source ATMOS LS 21 LED... enables a flexible diagnosis ZKHUHYHU LW LV XVHG

External pipe... made of special implant steel for improved protection from GDPDJH DQG JUHDWHU VWDELOLW\


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