ATMOS ENT catalogue 2012 / 2013 - english

Page 151


The new camera head: Improved image quality and a new design! next generation optical system optimised ergonomics

Pixel Error Protection (PEP) Pixel errors can be corrected for a continuous high image quality

Foot switch For image saving with WKH $7026 &DP 3HUPLWV VLPSOH ÄIUHH]LQJ³ of image contents on the PRQLWRU

Digital zoom

Video output

Digital monitor outputs

Two parallel video outputs FBAS (video) and Y/C 69+6

A digital monitor output (DVI-I) permits the connection of modern, high-quality monitors with the best image quality and large UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ

FireWire for digital archiving 7KH PDJQL¿ FDWLRQ IDFWRU FDQ EH manually adjusted on the camera KHDG

Connection of the camera to a 3& RU ODSWRS $UFKLYLQJ RI LPDJH DQG YLGHR GDWD ,GHDOO\ PDWFKHG to the patient archiving database $7026 0HG'RF


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