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Active tourism, with no boundaries.

AT MAGAZINE Edition IT/UK/ES - Monthly - Year I - Nr. 7 - May 2013


NZULEZU Persistence of an ancient world The heart of Scotland Edimburgh


interview heinz mariacher

objective AT



num07 MAy2013 summary Editorial



AT on canvas









of Kathryn Stedham

of Giampaolo Mocci

of Massimo Cozzolino




BRUGES AND BRUSSELS of Francesca Columbu





AT on canvas


PENCIL DRAWING of Jaume Grau Xena

you discover


OPEN MONUMENTS 2013 of Giuseppe Giuliani

AT culturam!



AT Decameron


PENCIL, ERASER AND MOUSE... of Barbara Valuto

web email


staff editor Giampaolo Mocci

Che cos’è un’erbaccia? Una pianta le cui virtù non sono state ancora scoperte [R.W. Emerson]. Esistono migliaia di metafore e aforismi che concettualizzano il mondo e la vita. Forse definire “erbaccia” la vita è irriverente, eppure, quanti innanzi ad una pianta officinale, dalle virtù note, sarebbero in grado di riconoscerla? Le esperienze, gli uomini e la vita stessa sono erbacce a cui guardare con curiosità e attenzione, senza fermarsi alla prima impressione e scevri da ogni condizionamento impegnarsi a scoprine le virtù nascoste.

Andrea Concas

Giornalista professionista, scrittore, laureato in Scienze della Comunicazione, ha collaborato con diversi periodici (“Il Tempo”, ecc.), agenzie di stampa (Unione Sarda, ecc.) e tv. Editor per network editoriali (Mondadori). Attualmente dirige “Diario24Notizie”,”2012 Magazine” e “Sardinia Network”. È consulente dell’Ordine dei giornalisti della Sardegna e della Associazione della Stampa Sarda (FNSI). Dal 2008 è il responsabile del C.R.E. (Centro Ricerche di Esopolitica) e dell’Associazione intitolata al giornalista “José De Larra”. Dal 2011 è il presidente del GUS sardo, il Gruppo di specializzazione della FNSI relativo ai giornalisti degli Uffici Stampa.

Shawn Serra

Barbara Valuto

Oscar Migliorini

Flavia Attardi

Sabina Contu

Gianluca Piras

Ho 23 anni e vivo a Carbonia, mi sono diplomato al Liceo Scentifico Tecnologico di Carbonia e attualmente sto completando il mio percorso formativo come studente in Scienze della Comunicazione a Cagliari. Entrare a far parte della redazione di questa rivista turistica on line mi entusiasma e spero di dare un importante contributo.

Da turista occasionale e distratta, sono diventata una vera appassionata di viaggi dopo il battesimo del classico viaggio zaino+Interrail dopo la maturità. La laurea in Lingue e il tesserino da giornalista sono stati un pretesto per conoscere a fondo altri mondi, altre culture e soprattutto stringere amicizie durature con anime gemelle erranti in ogni angolo del pianeta. Costretta dal lavoro a fissa dimora e ferie limitate, ho scelto una professione che, dopo l’esperienza in un tour operator e un albergo, mi consentisse di vivere in un ambiente dove il viaggio è insieme fine e mezzo: l’aeroporto. Di appendere la valigia al chiodo, naturalmente, non se ne parla proprio.


Da sempre rincorro l’idea di poter diventare parte integrante di quel che i cinque sensi attribuiti mi permettono, attraverso tele, argille e metalli. Non esito a misurarmi ed esprimermi con diverse passioni, come la fotografia e l’arrampicata sportiva, che mi consentono di essere a contatto con le molteplici bellezze della natura...anch’essa come l’arte, infinita ed imprevedibile. Colpevole di un’inesauribile sete di conoscenza per me, sarebbe difficile scegliere tra tante meraviglie che mi attirano, mi circondano e che vivo!

classe 1973, Segno zodiacale Vergine. Vivo e lavoro prevalentemente a Cagliari. Attualmente Delegata alla Sport della Provincia di Cagliari. Tra i vari incarichi ricoperti nel 1996 consigliere comunale del mio paese natio Jerzu e nel 2004 consigliere di amministrazione dell’ente regionale per il diritto allo studio. Amo la letterattura, la politica ed il diritto, in particolare quello ambientale, sanitario e sui temi della nocività lavorativa sto concentrando la mia attenzione negli ultimi anni. Film preferito : C’era una volta in America. Attori: Clint Eastwood e Meryl Streep. Il mio libro preferito è “L’arte della guerra” di Sun TZu. Le mie passioni sono la cucina e l’agricoltura.

Vivo a Oristano, dove sono nato il 20 maggio del 1961. Sono iscritto all’Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti e lavoro come responsabile dell’ufficio stampa e Comunicazione istituzionale della Provincia di Oristano, curando anche la redazione e la pubblicazione dei contenuti del sito istituzionale. Appassionato sportivo, ho praticato innumerevoli sport ma in modo significativo scherma, calcio, tennistavolo, tennis. Ora pratico con impegno agonistico lo sport delle bocce. Sono presidente del Comitato provinciale di Oristano della Federazione Bocce e atleta della Società Operaia di Mutuo Soccorso di Oristano. Di questa gloriosa società, fondata nel 1866, sono stato presidente dal 1999 al 2005 e faccio parte del Consiglio di amministrazione dal 1996.

Sono quasi trenta anni che pratico assiduamente tutto quello che è outdoor in Sardegna e nel mondo, dalla speleologia al torrentismo, dal trekking alla mountain bike, ma in primis l’arrampicata in tutte le sue salse, grandi numeri non li ho mai fatti ma mi sento in sintonia con la mia filosofia: “siamo tutti liberi di confrontarci come vogliamo con la parete, nel rispetto del prossimo”.

Stefania Spiga

Marco Lasio

Patrizia Giancola

Grazia Solinas

Ignazio Perniciano

Rosalia Carta

Paola Angelotti

Rinaldo Bonazzo

Stefano Vascotto

38 anni, vivo e lavoro nella bella Cagliari, dividendomi tra gli impegni della quotidianità e la ricerca di una dimensione temporale da dedicare alle mie passioni: l’arte contemporanea, la poesia, il buon vino, le giornate di sole e i viaggi. Da 15 anni mi occupo di comunicazione e marketing. Ho collaborato con le più affermate agenzie pubblicitarie di Cagliari curando i progetti web per clienti come Tiscali. Dal 2001 ho accettato di dedicarmi totalmente all’utility Energit con il ruolo di Marketing & Communication Specialist. “Ora mi sento come se stessi aspettando qualcosa che so non arriverà mai... Perché adoro illudermi e sperare, ti senti più vivo mentre lo fai [C. Bukowski].

“Porta itineris dicitur longissima esse”. I latini dicevano “La porta è la parte più lunga del viaggio”: per iniziare una nuova vita bisogna trovare il coraggio di fare il primo passo, per cambiare bisogna avere le forze di farlo. Per crescere bisogna volare via dal nido e cogliere al volo tutte le occasioni. Viaggi, musica e la potenza delle immagini per evadere e costruire una chiave che apra tutte le porte che si presentano lungo la strada.

Regnum: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Divisio: Vertebrata Classis: Mammalia Ordo: Primates Familia: Hominidae Genus: Homo Species: sapiens Subspecies: sapiens Sub-subspecies: sardoa Aetas XLIII Sexus: aliquando… Mater lengua: Italica, Sarda campidanensis Aliis: Anglica (C1), Hispanica Castellana(B2), Batava vel Belgica et Hollandica (B1) Facultas: ars pingendi Aliis: ars de computatris programmandis , historia artium et antiquitatis, astronomia et astrologia, occulta philosophia, mythologia, hodierni litterae, ars herbaria (botanica et mycologia), photographia.

Maggio 1985, Perito informatico (ABACUS), laureato in Scienze della comunicazione, appasionato di assemblaggio, programmazione su Personal Computer e la musica rock. Il mio hobby della mountain bike mi ha portato a conoscere luoghi ed a riscoprire il contatto con gli spazi verdi che la nostra terra ci offre. Le nuove esperienze se rivestite di un sano velo di sfida mi coinvolgono e motivano a cimentarmi con passione in queste nuove avventure.

Ho cinquantasei anni e amo definirmi “diversamente giovane”. Ho vissuto buona parte della mia vita aldilà del mare, ma con radici ben salde sulla nostra terra. Sono sentimentalmente legato a una ragazza ben più giovane di me, che non so bene come riesca a sopportarmi. Dopo trentacinque anni di lavoro, in area commerciale nel settore della comunicazione pubblicitaria, faccio ora parte della categoria degli esodati. Coltivo molte passioni fra cui l’elettronica, i motori, il volo, la pesca, il modellismo, i viaggi e la musica. Nei rapporti umani considero imprescindibile il rispetto reciproco e il mio stile di vita è imperniato sull’osservanza di quelle che chiamo “le regole del gioco”.

Over 30 years in the IT world. Passionate about new technology and always open to new solution.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Amo paragonarmi ad un diamante: le sue preziose e molteplici sfaccettature sono come le mie tante sfumature di personalità e di carattere. Anche il mio percorso personale e professionale è piuttosto bizzarro: ho due figli di 28 e 26 anni, un cane di 15, un nuovo compagno, adoro gli studi umanistici, ma ho un incarico di manager presso una società di engineering, un brevetto di sub e amo il nuoto, un amore incondizionato per i libri, per i viaggi e per tutto ciò che è innovazione e tecnologia applicata alla tradizione. In tutto questo cerco il particolare che fa la differenza. Son un ariete e mi butto a capofitto in tutto ciò che faccio, ma tutto ciò che faccio deve divertirmi, deve farmi ridere. Il mio motto è: la vida es un carnaval!

Appassionato da sempre per gli sport all’aria aperta come la mountain bike, il kayak, immersioni e tanto altro, ho sempre inteso la parola outdoor come momento di conoscenza. Il percorrere sentieri su due ruote o far scorrere il mio kayak sul mare della nostra Sardegna è sempre occasione di arricchimento culturale che soddisfa appieno la mia inesauribile voglia di conoscere. Negli anni ho collaborato con riviste di trekking e outdoor in genere. La fotografia è inoltre l’indiscussa forma di archiviazione dei miei momenti passati tra amici o in solitudine per i monti o per mare.


staff editor Elisabetta Gungui

Barbara Knapczyk

Giuseppe Giuliani

Denise Lai

Giuseppe Belli

Francesca Columbu

Marco Cabitza

Angelo Mulas

Valentina Morea

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Cagliaritana di 35 anni, socievole, estroversa, creativa e simpatica (dicono!). Lavoro nel mondo della sicurezza per le aziende, studio Scienze della comunicazione e gestisco un Bed&Breakfast da circa due anni. Aspettative per il futuro? Esprimere sempre più la mia parte creativa nel mondo del lavoro (e non solo!). Sono appassionata di cinema, teatro, arte, musica, viaggi al fine di un arricchimento culturale/sociale, poco sport ma primo tra tutti il tennis. Le poche righe a disposizione son finite per cui concludo qui la mia brevissima presentazione!

29 anni, studia nella facoltà di Beni Culturali (curriculum archeologico) dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari. Giornalista dal 2010, scrive per blog, quotidiani e riviste, anche online.


Barbara Knapczyk was born in Cracow in 1960. She studied at Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. Painting with professor Stanislaw Rodzinski and professor Zbigniew Grzybowski. Drawing with professor Zbylut Grzywacz and professor Józef Zabkowski. Diploma in 1989. Tekstile art with professor Ryszard Kwiecien. All works inspired by the surrounding nature. Favorites: landscapes, still life, portrait, themes of mountains. Her work are in private collection in many countries. She likes to travel and takes pictures.

Sono Giuseppe Belli, cinquantatre anni passati tutti nella mia città, Napoli. Essa, oltre ad essere una delle più belle città che io conosca è anche tra le più complesse e caotiche, di quello stesso caos incomprensibile che contraddistingue la nostra vita. Amo leggere e scrivere. Soprattutto la scrittura mi da modo di rielaborare la realtà che mi circonda e talvolta la possibilità di comprenderla meglio. Per questo ho pubblicato già due libri… e non c’è due senza tre.

Il mio nome è Angelo e, sono nato 55 anni fa nella zona più bella della Sardegna, la Barbagia. Porto sempre con me, ovunque vada la sua natura, i suoi profumi, i suoi sapori, la visione e l’amore della mia gente che sono uniche. Sono ragioniere, divorziato e padre di una splendida figlia. Adoro il cinema e la musica in tutte le loro forme. Amo la poesia e la magia delle parole: quelle ben cantate, quelle ben recitate e quelle ben parlate. Dalla mia gente ho imparato l’importanza dei rapporti umani, a costo di deludere, a costo di deludersi perché come qualcuno ha detto: non si è mai soli quando qualcuno ti ha lasciato, si è soli quando qualcuno non è mai venuto.

Giornalista, 45 anni, ama la vita di società e gli appuntamenti mondani tanto che vorrebbe abitare in Lapponia. Invece, vive ad Assemini dove, peraltro, pare non abbia mai incontrato una renna. Siamo tutti appesi a un filo. E io sono anche sovrappeso (Franco Zuin)

Classe 1974; Sarda di nascita e di sangue; Attualmente impegnata professionalmente presso l’aeroporto di Cagliari. Amante della natura, del buon cibo e dei viaggi; riesce ad emozionarmi un tramonto d’estate e allo stezzo modo un gratacielo di una grande metropoli. Faccio mia la frase:...[]”Accettare le sfide della vita significa porsi di fronte ai nostri limiti e ammettere di poterli o meno superare”..e ad oggi credo di avere, ancora, tante sfide da vincere!

Il mio mondo è una valigia. Inguaribile sognatrice e viaggiatrice per passione; un’irrefrenabile curiosità mi spinge a voler conoscere quel che non so, capire ciò che appare ostico, superare barriere e confini. La sete di novità e l’entusiasmo nel viverle sono la mia forza motrice, la parola è la mia arma (pacifica peraltro).

ph. B.Valuto Š AT Photographer

obiettivo at

Chillaz International GmbH Hoferweg 13

A-6134 Vomp in Tirol / Austria

tel. +43-5242-62399 fax +43-5242-62777 web: mail:



Journey without limits Once a dear friend said to me, “what you do is nothing if it is related to a broader and more general, certain height, and the dangers are high, but the difficulty is far removed from those of the big ...”. I have often thought in these words, and I’ve never fully grasped the meaning, it will be for the fact that it lends itself to different interpretations. The context of the sentence is related to the ascent of the High Ball. Climbing without protection boulders up to ten meters high and beyond, where uncertainty and arrogance are severely punished by fall over an uncertain outcome. Rose that must be addressed only when all the necessary elements converge in the almost obsessive and uncontrollable desire to get that sequence of movements. There are so many lines that I climbed in this style, and only some of these have been repeated by other climbers, and many others are still waiting for a repeat. Always someone to find in this style passion for climbing that borders on obsession to solve that problem. This is the point that makes me think: what do we have to be brought to trial in order to draw up a list somewhere? Personally, climbing these monsters, I always selfishly thought about the fun without worrying too much about the liking of those who would come later. This suggests an age-old dilemma, they value the shares as such or because contextualized and deserving of some record. The comparison and sharing are important elements for inner growth of the individual, this does not mean that we can carry out actions regardless of whether someone else decides to confront them. There are many people who do not take the initiative because it is conditioned by society, by conformity, conservatism, and who knows what other brake, the cradle perfect for phrases like the one quoted that does nothing but continue to put new obstacles. Our limitations are artifacts result of the conditioning of the mind, then overcome them, it’s just a mental thing. Being a good traveler, is to be the first explorer of his own limitations and every time one of these falls, it opens up a new world to explore... so the journey continues, more! GIAMPAOLO MOCCI | EDITOR


AT on canvas

Š 2011, Kathryn Stedham all rights reserved commisioned by the Utah State Public Arts

This painting is of Mount Nebo, which is the southernmost and highest mountain in the Wasatch Range of Utah, in the United States. Mount Nebo is crowned by three peaks, with the northern peak reaching 3,636 m. Named after the biblical Mount Nebo overlooking Israel, which is said to be the place of Moses’ death, I have always found inspiration in the backdrop of these shadowy blue peaks while traveling north on Interstate 15. She likes to travel and takes pictures.


Touches Sky: Mt. Nebo, oil on canvas (121.92 cm X 243.84 cm)

objective AT





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HeInz mariacher

A protagonist of free climbing. interview


The climbing is still a game and talk about career in climbing seems a bit ‘a joke. A vision and a way of life on a human scale to Heinz Mariacher, to which the importance of the “business records” that the media construct ad hoc say nothing while finding the depth of philosophical thoughts in comparison with the humble and respectful nature and the mountains. One of the protagonists of the early days of free climbing, when the movement was born in the eighties that saw the evolution of the move in the cliffs on the rock. He climbed the length and breadth of the planet, but the Austrian mountains and the Dolomites, the most important are the walls of a long and still far from finished defined. A man looking for fun in climbing through the game movements in a vertical dimension. The pleasure of the game where it will lead Heinz Mariacher and most importantly, what will be?



On 17 May 2011 there was the first meeting called the “Fe climber Gerhard Hörhager. On that occasion he spoke of the “B cliff on Italian soil. In practice, a sacred place of climbing and y Manolo, I’ve been creator. After many years do you think?

I think that lately the plates are returning more attractive to young peo more. The overhang for us had become the most suitable soil to push climbers did not have a great athletic training. Today, almost all of the lists tiny and the overhang is no longer the same challenge than once. to make a great climber, while on the plaque counts intuizone of movem

Today climbers have so many role models. You were the vanguar What inspired your research and most importantly, what you sou

The curiosity and the search of his own limitations, as before in mount the fact that everyone can find his personal limits, regardless to a deg PHOTO ARCH. © H.M.

In 1988, you have climbed with Donald Duck, was the period at the peak of your career. Since then it has evolved as your philosophy of climbers? The story with Donald Duck I pulled it out to make fun of a certain mentality that can be observed in the environment especially in mountaineering and climbing. Talk about career in climbing seems like a bit of a joke. For me, climbing has always been a game and that air of importance that is given in the media to “business record” (invented to measure in order to sell them), I’ve always found ridiculous. I find it very interesting the history of mountaineering, but the cult that was built around and is supported by various interests has little to do with the true spirit of true protagonists. If we want to talk about philosophy distanzarci as much as possible from these artifices surface. For me, the philosophical thoughts can only result from a comparison humble and respectful with the nature and the mountains. You climbed to the length and breadth of the planet. What places would consider it important, those who have marked your path climber? Certainly the Austrian mountains, where I started, then the Dolomites, everything else was a logical evolution. Maybe it’s an interesting aspect for me the evolution took place on the contrary, I mean by high walls to walls lower and lower. The Himalayan mountains are beautiful to see, but climbing them is more pain than pleasure. Instead climbing in the Dolomites, and then rock climbing, for me it was always a pleasure.


east of the plaque,” the idea of the Austrian Beach of the lizards” as possible before the you, with Luisa Iovane, Roberto Bassi and

ople, because of overhangs has seen it all and h the difficulties, because in our day most of the em are very strong, do pull-ups with one arm on . Who has the strength should not even be able ment, agility, balance, certainly a game’s finest.

rd of this new movement. ught in climbing extreme?

taineering. I think the beauty of climbing is just gree.




The new monsters. The last decade has made a considerable leap forward in high difficulty. How do you see this trend of free climbing?

What traits characteristic findings in the talent “Mariacher” then?

Logic. With the highest number of practitioners development becomes faster and faster, because there is more direct comparison and mutual motivation. In all sports it’s nice to see the expression on the highest level, but do not forget that in fact there `more freedom for those who developed away from the race for the last degree.

They are two completely different things. in a social environment, in gyms and artifi team spirit and competition. The climbing is The young “talent” Mariacher was a loner a his life for useless things.

ese talented young people and young

The young talent of today is developed icial cliffs, is pushed and supported by a s recognized and integrated into society. and called a lunatic who was going to risk

What do you like and what you do not like climbing today? I like everything that is healthy and that is a natural (that grows between climbers). I do not like the influence of the media surface and some sponsors who bring everything to a level of pure competition. Who sees climbing only in this aspect has not the slightest idea how much more we can give, if we broaden the horizon.



“If everything that is published is limited to pure performance and competition, the result will be an inevitable loss of deeper values�.

seguici anche su Fecebook! https://www. atmagazineonline



Un nuovo giornale È sempre una bella notizia quando una voce si fa sentire tra le altre, nel panorama dell’informazione. È una voce originale e, soprattutto, appasionata.



In your blog, write: “the end of history: the fact that today my climbing does not mean anything for anybody did not take away anything to my enthusiasm.” It looks like the greek quote a great sage. In fact, it is not difficult to find in young people pay little attention to what today can be defined as the history of climbing, with its moments and its characters. You are a person who has done and given so much to the world of climbers we know today, do you think this attitude of indifference toward the origin story could be harmful for the future? If everything that is published is limited to pure performance and competition, the result will be an inevitable loss of deeper values. But I have the impression that among the climbers who play away from the limelight has remained a more authentic, where you live in the dust as in the past, and there’s a lot more sensitivity for deeper values and thus also for the history. Are you an enthusiastic optimist, so what projects and what will you be? In my definition “grow up” means to achieve some independence and be able to decide for himself. In this sense I would come, but if you want a very “adult”, I think I’ll never be great. I like to play too and I can not take seriously the things that are so important for most adults.







Persistence of an ancient world


The piles are primitive dwellings typical of the Neolithic and Bronze Age, I always thought that now no longer existed, I was wrong. From the small pier Beyin in Ghana, taking a canoe, rowing with coxswain and we pass the brown cola-colored water in a surreal landscape through narrow channels, sometimes forcibly bent head, the thick rainforest of bamboo, water lilies and fall foliage palms of raffia, which intertwine and immerse themselves creating a specular game between the nature of real and reflected.


Motor boats are not allowed because this, of what looks like a huge lake of bitter orange, is the only drinking water they have available five hundred souls in the small village of Nzulezu.


“Questo libro rappresenta un viaggio metaforico alla ricerca di un riscatto, di quegli abbandoni atavici, di padre in figlio, e dell’interruzione drammatica della loro relazione affettiva, che si sublima in “frammenti” di ricordidiario chiamati a riempire un vuoto. Nel racconto viene fuori una città, Napoli, che ha mantenuto intatte le sue relazioni e che l’autore ci restituisce con emozioni nuove, forse per metabolizzare quelle “solitudini” che si è portato dentro per tanto, troppo tempo.” Ines D’Angelo



Th in we raf ab Nz at go Le an

It takes about an hour of rowing. Motor boats are not allowed because this, of what looks like a huge lake of bitter orange, is the only drinking water they have available five hundred souls in the small village of Nzulezu. hey live, as the same name in Nzema language, “on the surface of the water� in one of the last villages on stilts the world. In 2000 he was nominated for World Heritage for its anthropological importance and to preserve a ealth of local traditions linked to the cult of the lake Tandane. These houses are built entirely with the leaves of ffia palm a strong symbolic value, they have such an extremely linear and geometric, and some are painted with blue and emerald green. zulezu is composed of a single suspended corridor, center, onto which all the houses and all activities take place the bottom of this avenue there are two churches and a school. The school supports the entrance fee and with ood hearts of those who visit this remote and magical place, where man and nature live in unison. egend has it that the wise founders of Nzulezu have arrived here over four hundred years ago by Walata, an ncient city of the Empire of Ghana, following a snail.

I admit I heard an intruder, I deliberately photographed Nzulezu of any inhabitant, but only the homes and serene place around them, which perhaps partly explains the reasons for them to live in isolation from the modern world.



A new way of doing tourism

responsible, sustainable, respectful


Tourism is, after the oil industry, the main economic activity in the world, too often presenting itself as a consumer phenomenon, inattentive to the sacredness of places or people and selfless to a respectful exchange, only to be confused with folk culture, souvenir production local charity with development and leaving very little to the communities that provide their own traditions and their own identity. For some years, in contrast to mass tourism which ends up impoverishing local communities, is spreading a new way of travel, based on values such as respect, education, ethics, justice, and proposing a social role and development economic, re-evaluating the importance of a meeting between the community and tourists visit the banner of mutual advantage: RESPONSIBLE TOURISM. What is Responsible Tourism? This is of course the basic question

of all. AITR (the Italian Association it as: “Is there a way to travel whos oneself and one’s actions, even wh a gift, a room for sleep), the reality cultural, economic, environmental choice and therefore different. This ethical and aware that meets the people, nature with respect and ava to endorse destruction and exploit principles: equity, sustainability and those who offer solutions and not of sustainability of the ‘ only planet. “. The need for the birth of a moveme

n for Responsible Tourism) defines se first feature is the awareness of hen they are mediated buy (a ticket, of the destination countries (social, l), the possibility of a deliberate s is Responsible Tourism: a travel e countries of destination, to the vailability. A travel who chooses not tation, but the bearer of universal d tolerance. So be on the side of f those who create problems for the [From the website]. ent and an idea of tourism based on

the concept of responsibility, that is, a greater attention to the consequences of our travel on people and environment, has been evident since the early ‘80s, when the phenomenon of tourism , reached the size of a mass phenomenon, he began to present a whole range of issues related to the impact of this activity on local communities. Up to this time, tourism was almost universally regarded as the panacea for all economic ills of any country, capable of resolving any national economy in trouble. No one (or almost) had suggested that the tourism industry, once assumed the connotation of a mass phenomenon, could be the bearer of negative externalities of heavy environmental impacts, socio-cultural and economic. Responsible tourism is born as a “cure�, a way to avoid that our passion for travel, will turn into a threat to the lands and the people who are hosting us.


The social and environmental impact of tourism is very high and involves every sector, tourism, as it was conceived and implemented up to now, has often “consumed” the places where he has set foot, creating false expectations, knowledge fictitious, stereotyped images. Of course, change is inevitable, but why change for the worse? Often the effects of an abnormal development and unregulated tourism have been detrimental to the nature, traditions and culture of the “unspoiled paradise”. And it is not only the coral reef in danger or extinction of some rare animal species: the impact of tourism has been, and continues to be, even violent man. The well-being that exudes from a tourist on holiday can not leave unmoved those living in poverty. The impact of Western culture - the consumerist aspects of the holiday highlights can lead to the destruction of a people or a deterioration of its living conditions. Not having the opportunity to earn in a lawful manner by


the economy of tourism, many peop advantages, even stealing. Anyone country will have been “assaulted” supplicants. Not to mention even w Southeast Asia have become noto expense of children. The people w house, visited by many tourists, hav protected and helped to develop its just be left free to manage their lan to do. Hence the need to find an alt without ever leaving home the resp combine the taste of adventure in c their own structures, useful for a g of other peoples, environments, t xxxxx development. The first step is to ex

Wherever you go, go with all your heart (ancient chinese proverb)

ple try to get though the immediate e who has gone on a trip in a poor as a child with eyes so clever as worse consequences: some parts of orious for sex tourism, even at the who should be master in his own ve the right to be first and foremost s economy. Or maybe they should nds and resources, including those ternative to mass tourism and travel pect. It comes to planning trips that contact with the local people, using greater awareness of the situation traditions and customs, and their xclude those invasive ways to travel

that damage the environment and the communities that live in the places you visit. The second is to realize the beaten tourist track and relying on associations and other local groups who are able not only to “see” places, but also to bring together the cultures, communities, discovering the country from different points of view from those of glossy catalogs and creating new bonds of closeness with the host community. Responsible tourism therefore proposes to travel in a more conscious, promoting sustainable tourism, which supports the local economy and stimulate social development. A tourism not only respectful of nature, but also of the customs, traditions and culture of a country, proposing a genuine relationship with the places and peoples, without barriers such as gates “golden” tourist centers. An experienced tourism as an opportunity for mutual understanding, cultural enrichment even before that statement. A tourism offering, to visit and visitors, the greatest satisfactions and longer lasting results.




West Flanders Bruges, Belgium



Look at a photograph or just talk about Bruges evokes in me, singular images and emotions, able to tell a romantic city, aristocratic and elegant. It is a place that knows how to kidnap you and take you away in a fairy tale world made of Knights, Counts and Duchesses but also of palaces and churches that look embroidered. It tells a story that traces nine centuries of architecture: Gothic, Baroque and Classical. The many canals that cross it, in which you can mirror for their luster, have earned it the nickname “Venice of the North�. Its historical center, which represents the finest Middle Ages, has been declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 2000. The downtown streets do not forget the many chocolate shops that present themselves to tourists as jewelers and boutique shops on a par with the most renowned designers. Who loves to travel, to feel a citizen of the world and discover the many wonders that each city is able to give, can not fail to plan his next trip to this fascinating and enchanting land where time seems to stand still.


In most cases when you hear of Brussels you always think the place that hosts the main institutions of the European Community. One imagines, then, a large metropolis crowded with managers and white-collar workers, always striving to hold the, shaky economies of the member states. But Brussels is much more. It is first of all the capital of Belgium, cosmopolitan city with a thousand faces, able to offer to every tourist the most varied attractions: nature, art, history and gastronomy. As in many northern European cities the sky is shy about giving sunny days, but its a little gray ‘melancholy is always compensated by the caresses of his lights and heat of the streets, crowded until late at night. Getting lost in the old town can be a great blessing to fully enjoy the beauty of every corner of the medieval streets that tell us today about the worldliness of the royal past. Choose Brussels as a destination for a trip requires at least a five day stay. There are many surprises and emotions that will give this city but a short weekend might make you start with much taste in your mouth: for the non-visited museums, the streets do not cross, cathedrals do not admire the good Belgian beer and sipped not worthy.


Brussels Belgium




Today visit a great European capital is easier thanks to the increasing number of low cost airlines and their last minute offers. Go to Edinburgh may be sufficient even sixty Euros for a return journey, or even less. Leaving the airport, the first thing that stands out to the eye, are the typical British taxis and double-decker bus in thirty minutes that lead to the new town and the old town (Edinburgh is in fact divided in half by the eponymous Princess Sreet and gardens ).


Off the bus was immediately immersed in the most touristic center of the city. On the one hand Princess Street, the shopping street and the busiest street of the capital, with shops for all budgets, hotels and restaurants. Across Cockburn Street, with its shops (including, for lovers of the genre, a great record store with tons of vinyl, now a rarity), pubs and restaurants leading to the Royal Mile Royal Mile or ( popular name for a succession of streets a mile long Scottish dividing in two the old town), which connects the two main monuments of the capital: Holyrood Palace (the summer residence of Queen Elizabeth II) and the Edinburgh Castle, which can not be said they’ve been to Edinburgh without having visited it. An old fortress on the hill overlooking the entire capital. No other castle in Europe dominates his city as the mighty Edinburgh Castle. During the Middle Ages became the most important royal castle of Scotland, the royal residence, visited at the price of sixteen pounds, now home to several museums and monuments.

Continuing along the Royal Mile, with a background of constant sound of bagpipes, you can taste the essence of Scotland, is the busiest road by tourists where you can find everything, from classical souvenir boutique shops even whiskey, groceries, restaurants of various ethnicities, shops (a well-known international brand leader in cashmere) where you can buy the kilt (the classic scottish costume with “skirt�). At the halfway point of the street you can not miss the impressive St. Giles Cathedral (the main cathedral of the Church of Scotland), a fine example of Gothic architecture open for free every day. The cathedral is universally recognized as the mother church of Presbyterianism.


The attractions of the Royal Mile do not end up on the surface, in fact, the subsoil hides an underground city with antique and mysterious, a maze of tunnels in the Middle Ages was the dark and seedy part of the Scottish city. The decision to build the city into a volcanic hill, made it difficult for the operations of urbanization, the lack of space and large flat areas. Edinburgh then became the first city at the vertical development, in fact, under the Royal Mile were built different levels of living space, divided into social base extraction. It is now possible to visit a part of the Hidden City (Mary King’s Close) accompanied by a multilingual guide at the price of fifteen pounds. A tourist route leading to the discovery of the history of Edinburgh, made of clandestine distilleries, and prisons terrible plague victims buried alive.

Edinburgh is full of cultural attractions with plenty of choice, but it is not just museums and monuments, nightlife has its places “cult” for fun, such as Grassmarket, an area of town that is known for its’ high concentration of quaint pubs to eat and drink good local beer.





monte majori “ viviMajori ”

a day of outdoor activities


Not far from the most famous relief of Monte Arcuentu, with its 725 meters high, the Monte Majori is the highest peak of the town of Guspini. Despite the altitude they face little more than a hill, the characteristic basalt formation, is inserted in an environment particularly impressive. The basaltic conglomerate of Mount Majori, the result of violent volcanic explosions, has been eroded over time and carved by wind and water which have earned the mountain the typical rounded shape and at the same time they crossed into deep gullies. And on these grooves, in the more downstream, hospitality is an important primary forest of oaks which is unchanged over time, without that man has ever ruled the vegetation. The large oak trees, together with cork, cistus and arbutus protect from the sun path, by some characteristic buildings are now abandoned pastoral notes such as “is corrazzus de procibis” leads up to the top of the mountain. The trail is rated moderately difficult, is steadily uphill and takes about an hour and a half walk to get to the summit, and with it, a spectacular panoramic view. Arriving at the end of the forest, when the dense vegetation gives way to dark conglomerate rock formations, the view sweeps across the plain fact of the low campidano and, on a clear day, you can see the reflections of the waters of the Gulf of Cagliari.




It takes just a few more steps to get over the ridge and admire, on the opposite side, the characteristic shape of Mount Arquentu basalt, a little farther on, the sea of “Green Coast” from Tower of pirates goes up to head sheep. The view, the scents and colors that attract visitors all the way fully repay their efforts. At one time not too far away, the woods of Mount Majori, were the undisputed destination for the traditional trip outside of May, and today this tradition, but above all these places, find some popularity thanks to the efforts of the City and various Associations of place in mid-May, they organize “ViviMajori”: a day of outdoor activities that, for 2013, is scheduled for Sunday, May 19. Provides a morning of active tourism to be concluded in front of a plate of typical Sardinian gnocchi malloreddus - that await the participants at the end of the morning in the shade of oaks and holm oaks. For lovers of nature and malloreddus is definitely an event not to be missed.


Technical information DESCRIZIONE:

arrampicata su roccia, a parte qualche rara eccezzione, sempre bella e compatta. Lo stile di scalata alterna muri verticali, diedri e placche a gocce. La progressione è sempre accompagnata da panorama mozzafiato e d’effetto. Nota tecnica, le soste per entrambi gli intinerari sono sempre comode e ben posizionate. Consiglio alla penultima sosta di proseguire all’evidente e ampia cengia appena sopra e far sicura da uno dei grandi ginepri.


dal parcheggio seguire la stradina che porta alla biglietteria per la miniera di Porto Flavia. Subito dopo le panchine (a destra) salire il ripido sentiero che s’inerpica fino alla rete di protezione caduta massi. Tenere la rete alla sinistra e giunti alla pietraia, salire verso la base della parete. Giunti sotto la falesia ridiscendere sino alla base del Pilastro dell’Italia Liberata, per raggiungere l’attacco della via seguire il corrimano attrezzato con fittoni e corda (2° grado traverso). Per la via Le Grand Mammut continuare a scendere per altri 10 metri fino all’attacco evidente con nome alla base.

Monte Majori Comune di Guspini

- Percorso ARANCIO (diretto) Distanza: 3,7 km Durata: 1 ora 40 minuti Dislivello: 450 mt (da q. 150 a q. 600) Difficoltà: Facile - Percorso VERDE (trekking) Distanza: 7,5 km Durata: 3 ore Dislivello: 450 mt (da q. 150 a q. 600) Difficoltà: Medio/Facile



AT on canvas


Pencil Drawing For all those who want to know more of my artistic side, The design and its different formats, have been a constant in my life. One of the images that I keep in my memory is seeing my father, absorbed, intent on drawing more and more beautiful pictures, I think that’s what made me want to get into his magical world. Under his leadership, which has never let me, as a child, I painted my first painting on a sheet “The deer.” Thus began my artistic growth and one of the most productive seasons with many oil paintings and watercolors, discovering along the way, a new way of expression, photography. Since then, I have spent periods without apparent contact with the brushes, but to display a thought or to speak, to express myself, I had to draw it. The design was part of me. Cartoonist of the “Consell General de les Valls d’Andorra” (Nature Drawings notebook “Engannim to Comella”). Illustrations for the first guide of Palau, shows, etc.. In any case, then painting and drawing were relegated to the second floor to make room for photography. Co-founder of the second permanent exhibition of photography in Spain, the gallery Tau, I have made several audiovisual and exhibitions of my work, both there and abroad. He has worked mostly in black and white, gray, shapes, ... that might suggest to foreign eyes, pencil, charcoal or shades. But something was missing, and little by little I started contacts with the design. This time without color, working with ink diluted exuberant curves of the boats of the beaches of Tossa, fishing tools and landscapes (Illustrations for the book “A History Passeig from Palau”). The ink is increasingly diluted up to finally become pencil. With coal and mostly with pencil, it is with these that I rediscovered the mysterious passion of giving birth to shapes from a sheet by a support plan. Clear, dark gray, and the sheet that calls you and brings you to d enjoy a wonderful experience that sometimes when it starts, hopefully never end. JAUME GRAU XENA © 2013, all rights reserved


AT on canvas






AT on canvas







Open Monuments 2013 BY GIUSEPPE GIULIANI


When she was born, in 1997, was a manifestation of the Open Monument whole Cagliari. An idea of some cultural associations immediately married by the municipality.


Since the first edition it seemed clear that the na Open every day of the year. To see fulfilled that space is extending the boundaries: for some tim The edition of 2013, that number seventeen, ki 1 and 2 June.


Scopri il turis

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atural evolution of that initiative was Monuments desire is still to wait, instead of what has been found me, the Open Monument touches throughout Sardinia. icks off on 4 and 5 May and ends on the weekend of


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From this year, the event enjoys the patronage of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture. Monuments Open returns to focus on just the spring months and sees the debut of three new municipalities, Cabras, Portsmouth and Quarryville, the list of those involved. Now, there are 31 centers will open their doors to visitors. We must go back to 1997 to explain the objectives that have moved the promoters. Open sights aims to raise awareness of the immense historical, archaeological, cultural and environmental impacts that each center has. Involving young people in the organization and entrusts the leadership role to motivate them to learn about the


history of their city or country. Invites municipalitie their jewelery, at least once a year. All this, as a whole becomes a major tourist prop those months of shoulder on which you are workin The result is a long list (so long that we invite y of churches, museums, arc environmental pathways that become immediately lot of guides. For one day, Sardinia becomes what it should be is the only in recent years that has endured the cr increasing the numbers.


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posal that enriches ng for years. you to visit www. chaeological sites, accessible with a

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The public response is more amazing every year: in 2012 were 285,000 visitors to the Open Monument and in the course of these seventeen editions almost one hundred municipalities have participated in the initiative.



at culturam !


e c i n e V


Dear friends, together again to share the pleasure of a trip, even if imaginative, still fantastic, the rediscovery of ancient crafts around which are consolidated in the years traditions and customs that have contributed not a little to build the story of the original, if not unique of our beautiful country. We are still in the Euganean Hills, and before you decide to leave this beautiful region, Veneto, we organize a visit for no less interesting from the streets of Venice. For someone who does not remember what they are, we explain immediately that it is typical streets of the city of Venice located between two continuous row of buildings, which often take the name of gentlemen known, or famous place. These pathways are a feature of Venice, so called, are also the most roads’’ s lagoon area. But who knows Venice, its history. When she was a powerful Republic in these parts dominated the Doge, old Duke, transformed over the centuries by sovereign maximum magistrate. Venice today is a beautiful city of art that holds in its palaces and churches in his treasures and works of art of inestimable value, evidence of past conquests, and trade with eastern countries. Built on an archipelago of small islands that intersect one hundred and eighteen thanks to its countless canals, it is put together by over four hundred bridges, and it is open only on foot or by boat. In addition to the historical center, the territory of Venice also includes part of the lagoon and its islands and its seaside resorts such as the Lido and Cavallino-Treporti that circumscribe separating the lagoon from the Adriatic Sea. And from the sea, when it dominated the Mediterranean flowed over this territory goods of all kinds, of various invoices and quality that made the production of handmade flourishing more than ever, thanks to a hard-working organization through the creation of corporations extended to all fields created a highly specialized craft class. Each craft had a sign. They were represented by

wooden planks on which was painted the name of the craft and their associated characteristics. Then to celebrate the magnificence and power of the Venetian republic, nothing was more appropriate to use gold, also used in the mosaics of his basilica. One of the most ancient crafts of the Serenissima, in fact, is that of the gilders who produced masterpieces with thin leaves of gold, though, most of the time, the work of these artisans had been buried in anonymity. Their work, not less, however, won for its richness and beauty. Venice loved the gold and profuse along with its colors: red and blue. The art of gilders was a flourishing trade, and there were numerous workshops, where they worked for its realization. It is a job that requires considerable skill and patience, especially in the application of gold. The leaf gilding, (old technique) materials and equipment have remained unchanged over the centuries. After numerous operations, with a mixture of chalk, red clay, gelatin which was followed by the phase of burnishing with agate stone, began the next stage, the application to the various ornaments which were among the most diverse : from ships, cabinets, frames from the ceiling of which there are precious evidence. The work of these artisans spread much in the eighteenth century, when they were fashionable mobile lacquered and gilded Rococo along with the door also golden. Not to mention the splendid stucco decoration of the theater and the Sale Apollinee faithfully rebuilt after the tragic fire. These ornaments are not just the representation of an era. They still surprise us for their beauty, and how to raise a marvelous works of art of this beautiful city to their full glory. Unfortunately these master gilders there are only a few, and if we are lucky enough to get into one of these shops still remaining, unresolved between Campo Santo Stefano and Santa Maria Formosa, we are enchanted by the charm surrounding this ancient art that has characterized so much part of our unique and beautiful Venice. In the next stage we will go to the discovery of another ancient craft always around these streets. See you next.


objective AT



at decameron



objective AT



Buone arrampicate a tutti !



L’arrampicata sportiva, l’alpinismo e le attività di montagna in genere, come tutte le attività all’aria aperta, tra l’altro sempre più diffuse, sono spesso praticate anche da persone inesperte che si sono avvicinate da poco tempo a questo tipo di turismo attivo. In caso di escursioni alpinistiche valutiamo bene che il nostro itinerario “verticale” sia adeguato alla nostra preparazione. Non sempre avere tanto entusiasmo equivale ad avere le “capacità” psico-fisiche e tecniche adeguate. È sempre consigliabile affrontare i primi itinerari di arrampicata solo dopo aver frequentato giusti corsi di formazione o almeno sotto la guida di compagni di cordata esperti. Avere cura di acquisire le adeguate conoscenze tecniche per affrontare l’arrampicata non è cosa banale, spesso gli incidenti (oltre che per fattori imprevedibili come la caduta di un sasso) si verificano proprio per mancanza di preparazione e per sottovalutazione dei pericoli legati a determinate manovre. Bisogna sempre tenere in considerazione che l’arrampicata, che sia essa sportiva che alpinistica, è una attività potenzialmente pericolosa e in qualche caso mortale: • Portare appresso il cellulare con le batterie ben cariche. • Utilizzare SEMPRE il casco in percorsi alpinistici. • Avvisare sempre qualcuno dell’itinerario alpinistico che ci apprestiamo a compiere. • Portare una lampada per il buio, un telo termico e abbigliamento di riserva. • Verificare SEMPRE E PRIMA di ogni uscita il buono stato delle attrezzature da utilizzare (imbrago, corde, moschettoni, fettucce, cordini, rinvii ecc.), e accertarsi di avere al seguito tutto il materiale tecnico necessario per la scalata. • Non utilizzare MAI un solo ancoraggio per calarsi dalla via, sia in falesia e sia in una via di più tiri. • Abituarsi a sbloccare le corde doppie solo per l’ultimo della calata. • In falesia prestare la massima attenzione alla sicura del nostro compagno. • In caso necessita chiamare il numero unico per le emergenze sanitarie 118 e specificare il tipo d’incidente e dove vi trovate, se in montagna o in falesie lontane da strade chiedete esplicitamente l’intervento del Soccorso Alpino. Se vi siete spostati da qualche parte per telefonare NON SPOSTATEVI dal campo telefonico perché la centrale operativa potrebbe richiamarvi per avere notizie più precise.

ph. B.Valuto Š AT Photographer

CALZATURIFICIO ZAMBERLAN S.r.l. Sede: Via Marconi, 1 36036 Pievebelvicino di Torrebelvicino (VI) Tel. ++39 0445 660.999 Fax ++39 0445 661.652

AT MAGAZINE Cultura, Sport, Turismo, ecc. TESTATA GIORNALISTICA REGISTRATA PRESSO IL TRIB. DI CAGLIARI nr. 24/12 del 10/10/2012 Luogo e anno della pubblicazione: Cagliari, 2012 ANNO I Dati della società: AT di Giampaolo Mocci Via Tagliamento, 19 0932 - Assemini (CA) PI 03442500926 Editore Giampaolo Mocci Direttore Responsabile: Andrea Concas Per contattare il giornale: Cell. +39 3287289926 E-mail: (per informazioni) (per la redazione) Per le inserzioni sul giornale: E-mail: Informazioni sullo “stampatore”: Il provider che ospita il giornale è DominioFaiDaTe S.r.l. (società provider autorizzata a fornire al pubblico il servizio internet). DominioFaiDaTe S.r.l.

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