Measuring the effectiveness of development cooperation at the local level - Ecuador

Page 46


4.6. Effectiveness of development cooperation at the local level The measurement of the principles of cooperation effectiveness at the local level has provided varying results for each principle (see Graph 14). Graph 14. Measurement of cooperation effectiveness at the local level A. Ownership

E. Mutual accountability


20,000 18,000 14,06 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 -

Effectiveness measurement

B. Alignment 10, 00

6,30 10,31 D. Managing for results

C. Harmonization

The principle of ownership has a higher rating than the other principles (14.06 out of 20), to the extent that the sub-national governments have assumed the leadership for local development by having a plan in place to guide their efforts. In these processes, there are significant efforts to involve different stakeholders and to articulate with other levels of government. It is important to note that the legislation and policies defined by the national government have significantly contributed to complying with this principle; in addition there is the role of SENPLADES in defining policies and instruments that contribute to this dynamic. Also, in some cases, support from

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