Measuring the effectiveness of development cooperation at the local level - Ecuador

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With regards to indicator 2 (The sub-national government leads the management, involving local stakeholders in its efforts), the score is lower, ranging between 12.50 and 37.50 out of 50. While the law and guidelines on planning decree that implementation processes should be participatory, the sub-national governments comply with this standard to a lesser extent and in some cases, international cooperation is not involved. Looking at both indicators, we can see that compliance with the principle of ownership is high, with a range between 50 and 87.50 out of 100, as Graph 4 illustrates. This high score, as has already been explained, is the result of the planning dynamics put in place by the sub-national governments as part of the national policy led by the National Secretariat of Planning and Development (SENPLADES). Graph 4. Measurement of the principle of ownership (without adjustment for representativeness) 100,00 90,00

1. The sub-national government has its own development strategy linked to and elaborated together with other levels of government.

80,00 70,00 60,00 50,00 40,00 30,00 20,00 10,00

Carchi Guayas Imbabura Loja Tungurahua Bolívar Chimborazo Manabí Morona Santiago Santa Elena Sucumbíos Azuay Cañar Cotopaxi El Oro Esmeraldas Galápagos Los Ríos Napo Orellana Pastaza Pichincha Santo Domingo Zamora Chinchipe


2. The sub-national government leads the management, involving local stakeholders in its efforts.

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