Peripheral ARTeries Art Review - FEBRUARY 2013

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peripheral ARTeries



(USA/ Korea)

“Being an artist has allowed me to view American and Korean cultures with a more worldly vision and begin to understand, and appreciate, these various facets of my identity” Timothy H.Lee - Sincretive Skin

Aimee Hertog (USA)


“I make art about the chaos of contemporary existence, especially domestic chaos as I have experienced it. My work directly opposes the myth of domestic bliss that is propagated in the media” A.Hertog - Bluebeard the Sociopath's Closet

Kimi Hanauer (Germany) “art means a way of thinking where significance is assigned to ideas and objects that in other contexts probably wouldn't get that same amount of space”


Kimi Hanauer - Monument


Martina Miholic (Croatia)

“In my opinion if you would like to upgrade, redefined or if necessary, denied or opposed something, it is important to know the system inside out” M.Miholic - Giant, Dense, Sunlit Amorphous thing

Geoffrey Stein (USA) “My paintings explore the tension between what needs to be shown and what does not, the seen and the unseen”


Geoffrey Stein - She

Piotr Kotlicki



“I paint for many reasons, one of which is the phenomenon of surprise yourself. Some things take place outside thinking, and while I constantly ask myself though a whole bunch of questions”

P. Kotlicki - Suitcreatures

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February 2013

Timothy H. Lee

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