AR[t] 2

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approach to radio where we think of it as a field

we increase the distance to the source because

of transmitted sources with the receiver moving

the radiated energy gets spread over a bigger sur-

through this field, instead of a receiver that is

face in space and besides that, the air itself ab-

tuning in to a single transmitter and establishing

sorbs a bit of the energy as well. Electromagnetic

a (one directional) non-spatial, point-to-point

waves have that same behavior but when using


regular radio transmission techniques, this effect

The above setup of transmitter(s) and re-

is avoided or compensated for. The reason for this

ceiver can simply be compared to a setup of

is that both FM and AM use a carrier signal that is

speaker(s) and a microphone, but addressing the

modulated by the audio signal.2

electromagnetic space instead of the acoustic

The proposed system of shifting the audio sig-

space. The transmitters can be seen as amplifiers

nal up (and down) in frequency is a form of trans-

with an antenna instead of a speaker connected

mission without using a carrier frequency. Any sig-

to the output. And the receivers use an antenna

nal the receiver receives within the chosen fre-

instead of a microphone. The used frequency

quency range becomes audible. It is the individu-

range is determined by the amount of frequency

al strength of the received signal(s) that directly

shift used by the transmitter and receiver.1 The

corresponds to the loudness of the signal(s). The

loudness of acoustic sound sources decays when

closer the receiver gets to the transmitter, the


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