AR[t] 2

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Advantages of AR head-sets over smartphone or tablet PC based AR

say ‘Restaurants around’, and then wait for the

Using a smartphone or tablet PC to see AR informa-

cases, you also have to lay the smartphone flat

tion has a lot of advantages because smart phones

to prevent compass errors. In addition, distortion

and tablets are so widely used. Many users expe-

of the virtual layer in relation to the real world

rience an extra layer of information by scanning

makes smartphones insufficient for certain appli-

AR markers or by using GPS and compass informa-


tion on their location. This can link them to cul-

Head-set AR displays, on the other hand, permit

tural, historical or commercial information.

the user to see the real world in 3D, which en-

However, there are some disadvantages too.

ables the user to move around safely and to see

The screen size is very limited, even when using

and experience virtual reality at the same time.

an iPad or Android tablet. Moreover, smartphone-

The experience of a virtual layer when using AR

based AR requires that the user hold his phone

eye-wear is immersive, as we know from our ear-

at eye-level to position the phone between his

lier experiments with AR headsets in an exhibi-

eyes and the real world he is augmenting. This

tion in Milan, where we showed virtual furniture.

puts the user in a tiring pose that cannot be sus-

By designing the headset-frame properly, we can

tained and interferes with other activities such

keep occlusions to a minimal and maximize the

as walking around in a street finding historical or

user’s field of view. This allows the AR glasses

architectural information to insert into the AR

to be used hands free and lets the user do tasks


requiring both hands, as many people have seen

Another annoyance is the process of setting up

in the BMW commercial where a mechanical en-

an AR application via, for example, Layar. You

gineer is repairing a motor.

phone to get the correct information. In most

have to start up Layar, activate the application,

The CYBER-I BI-Ocular: the new professional AR headset The ARLab ordered the manufacturing and obtained the very first optical-see through headset from our partner, the CYBER-I BI-Ocular. This is an XSGA OpticalSee-Through AR headset with two USB 2 uEye LE cameras. It is about a factor 10 more expensive than Marty, but unlike Marty apt for the professional market. We are negotiating with business partners to bring a professional version of the software of Oytun Akman on the market for this headset. Contact if you have a business proposal. The CUBER-I BI-Ocular headset


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