The Arkansas Lawyer magazine Fall 2001

Page 70

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Cominucd From Page 21 Warch for other news, events, and opporrunities for Young Lnwy~rs in the Young Lawym &etion Nnusl"ur. edited by Michelle Cauley. If you have news of interest co your fellow Young LaWY~rJ. contact Michelle about space in the next edition. Also, watch your e-mail for the opporruniry (0 be involved in a }'oung Lowyar liscscrve through the Bar Assoc3rjon's expanded and revised web page. Soon we will have [he ability ro contact aJl Young Lnywas bye-mail with important news and announcements. "A lawyer is a representative of clients, an officer of the legal system and a public citiun having spuia/ r~spomibilitiNfor tlu qualilY ofjustice."3 While mOSt any young lawyer can comply with [he first two requirements. members of [he Young LawJ(TS Stction are active everyday in fulfilling (he third. Come join us.• I Arkansas Bar Association Young Lawyers Section Bylaws at Article I, Section 2. 2 Id. at Article 11, Section 1. 3 Model Rules of Professional Conduct Preamble. Legal Info Unks • Arkansas Veterans Handbook • Disaster Legal Assistance • High School Mock Trial Program • Senior Citizens Handbook/CareGivers


The currem (erm of office of United States Magistrate Judge John F. Forster, Jt., is due ro expire on March 13. 2002. The United States Disrrict ourr is required by law ro establish a panel of cl[Izens co consider the reappointment of rhe magistrate judge (0 a new eight-year term.

The duties of the magistrate judge position include the following: (I) conduce of Illost preliminary proceedings in criminal cases; (2) trial and disposition of misdemeanor cases; (3) conduct of various pretrial marrers and evidemiary proceedings on delegation from rhe judges of the disrricr coun; and (4) trial and disposition of civil cases upon consem of the litigams. Comments from members of the Bar and the public are invited as to whether rhe incumbent magistrate judge should be recommended by the panel for reappointmenr by the Court and should be direoed to: Magistrate Advisory ommirree, do United States District Court Clerk's Office, 600 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 328. Little Rock. AR 72201-3325 Comments must be received no later than October 12. 200 I.


Life Care Planning LCP's are carefuUy researched professional documents that project the amicipated COStS of medicaJ care, equipment, home care, rehabilitation, etc. of a child or adult over a specified period of time. Arkansas based Systemedic Corporation offers an experienced team of life care planners in this specialized field. The most frequently referred cases include: head injury. spinal cord injury, arnpucation, multiple trauma, and infants/children, where long-term medical and other cost/expense projections are needed. For more information, or file consultation, caJl Susan Harding, RN, M.Ed., CRRN, CCM. or Linda Davis. RN. CRRN. CCM at:

SYSTEMEDIC CORPORATION uttle Rock, AR 501-227-5553 or 800-822-2680


Ut lrlllSil Liwjlr

EVALUATION OF HIGHWAY DESIGN, MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION & TRAFFIC ACCIDENT RECONSTRUcnON This engineer has reconstructed over 3,000 accidenrs in 23 states on highways, Streets, railroads, highway construction zones involving big trucks, cars, pickups, vans, motorcycles, trains, pedestrians. Computer generated drawings prepared. Over 45 years engineering experience. Board certified by ACTAR. John T. Bates. I~E. 1-800-299-5950. Tuscany - 18th C. house with views of San Gimignano on wine, olive estate, 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, weekly $2.200 $3,000. Representing owners of authentic, historic properties. For photos and details of this and other properties, visit Email: 206-632-1085. fax 206-632-1086.


PAGE ABA Retiremenl


American Artlitration Association



John T. Bates

53 56

Golden Lanlem Publications





10 37 22

Landter:h Oata Legal ~reclories Publishing Lexis·Nexis On·line

Inside Back Cover

John McAllister


Pall Mix"" Moore, Stephens, Frost


PA Hames &Associales, II'<. Rebsarnen Insurance

11 27 Back Cover

Richard L Schwartz


Schuhze Maer:hIi1g

20 56 56

Systemedi: Co!poIation Vacation Rentals West Group

Inside Froot Cover

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