JULY 1990

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The Law School will again be host for Little Rock Law, a summer enrichment AEGIS program funded through the Arkansas State Department of Education. Approximately 40 gifted and talented high school students from the Central Arkansas area are given an introduction to the study and practice of law. Students study introductory law courses, observe simulated court trials, and shadow attorneys to learn what lawyers actually do on a day-by- day basis. The Annual Scholarships Reception was held in March at the Arkansas Bar Center to enable our scholarship recipients to meet their benefactors. Finally, renovation continues on the GIT building in MacArthur Park, future site of the new Law School. Estimated completion date is April, 1992.

ARKANSAS INSTITUTE FOR CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION By Deb Garrison A fellow attorney and former law school classmate approached me at a recent seminar to discuss Minimum Continuing Legal Education. After concluding that she thought MCLE was "a good thing'" she commented that I "must he happy about it" since it insures ever-increasing attendance

John E. McAllister, P.E.

Born 8-29-21, Milltown, N.B. Canada, B.S. in Elechica1 Engineering, 1947, from Uni.."ily of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. Canada. 14 yeO" engineering and sales experience with General Elechic Co. II yem experience in electric motor winding, industrial control panel manufacturing and sales. 9 yem President of large safely equipment distributor specializing primarily in the metal forming industry. EXTENSIVE COURTROOM EXPERIENCE.

John E. MrAJlister, 9 Sierra Lane, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909, (501) 922-1709

Fax # (501) 922-41n at AICLE programs and thus continued "job security" for me. I quickly assured her that while Minimum Continuing Legal Education is an important element in improving lawyer competence, it cannot insure that AlCLE will grow and prosper as a CLE provider. In fact, the introduction of MCLE to Arkansas has increased the competition for the CLE dollar between non-profit providers (such as AICLE , ATLA and the Arkansas Bar Association) and the for-profit providers (such as BI, Inc. and PES, Inc). While competition is good news for the CLE consumer, it requires that AICLE staff begin planning programs earlier than ever in order to carry out our primary goal: to serve the lawyers of Arkansas through an organized curriculum of continuing legal education. To this end, the AICLE Board of Directors established an organizational objective that AICLE should improve the quality of its CLE programs by "encouraging program committees to initiate the planning process early."

Phillip D. Bryant Machillenj & Equiplllellt Appraiser P.O. Drawer 966

Oxford, MS 38655


a lawyer serving lawyers

Hl'a1'Y Eqllfpmr'/lt, F/I,mtllrt' Plants, Machmt Shops. Strd Fabncallon Optratlo1l5 ,(OtlOIl GillS, SaWfn/IIS. BoDt Mmlll{aclurmg ranl/"t'S (Flherglass. Mt'tal & Wood), wggmg Operafiolls, Photography Eqllipmfllf. Health Care Mmlll[Dctllri/l8 Foci/illt'S, Mt'dical & 1).'1110/ Eql//pmfllt, Dry Clt'tllllllg & lJJllIldry ~Qtio"s. (rram;e Equipment. Clll'mical Plauts, Agricultural OpaatulIIs, Farm MDc1lillfry & PnJc/.'Ssing [qui,llnell', en/fish Processmg Plants, &mk StclIrity Eql/ipmfllt. Vi'II',;mlrlflll'S Offin~, Plastics Plant & Extrudillg Eqllll'llIfllt, Mtdium DlIfy Oil Drilling Equ;llml'lIt & RI'la/i'd Fidd Equipml'llt. Gmen"t' Planls & Rt'lated (ql/iplllt'lIl, Malt'rinfs Handlillg Equipmellt, Prilltillg SlIops, Hospital Eqllipmi'llt. R.t'tail Ston'S & FiX/lift'S

3 4





Graduate Electrical Engineer, 34 Years Industrial Experience. Specialist in Industrial Machine Guarding and Salety.




EARLY PLANNING IS THE CORNERSTONE OF QUALITY CLE My goal as Program Coordinator for AICLE has been to establish our program schedule 12 to 18 months in advance. Unfortunately, my attempts to do so have generally resulted in incredulous stares and comments such as "that's a year away, I can't possibly commit to chairing a program that far down the road !" or call me in six months and I 'II let you know if the committee is interested in cosponsoring the program." If these individuals understood how belated program planning impacts the quality of the end result, they would probably be more eager to begin their work as program planners . If

FAILURE TO PLAN EARLY THWARTS OUR ABILITY TO BOOK ADEQUATE HOTEL MEETING SPACE Even though the metropolitan areas of the state have an abundance of hotels, it is difficult - often impossible - to book meeting space for seminars even a year in advance! This lack of adequate meeting space is due to primarily two factors. First, AICLE is required by the Office of Professional Programs to provide writing surfaces to program attendees. In hotel lingo this is called "Classroom style seating'" and it takes up more space than any otner seating style. Therefore, only the hotels with larger meeting rooms can accommodate our average one- day seminar. Second, we have found that attorneys are more inclined to attend programs in the fall and spring. Unfortunately, this is also true of most other groups, including

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