JULY 1984

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EXECUTIVE COUNCIL REPORT By Annabelle Clinton March 31. 1984 A meeting of the Executive Council of the Arkansas Bar Association was held at the Red Apple Inn, Eden Isle, on March 31, 1984, Chairman James H. McKenzie called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and presided throughout. Others present were Dennis L. Shackleford, president; Annabelle Clinton, secretarytreasurer; Norwood Phillips, Robert M. Cearley, Thomas L. Overbey, Marcia McIvor, Joe B. Reed, Julian B. Fogleman, Kaye S. Oberlag, and Gary Nutter, members of the Council; William R. Wilson, Jr .. president-elect; Cyril Hollingsworth, presIdent of the Arkansas Bar Foundation; Robert L. Jones, Ill, Arkansas Bar Foundation; Colonel William A. Martin, executive director; Clay Patty, AICLE; Charles L. Carpenter, Jack McNulty, Jim Rhodes and Mac Glover. The Council approved the minutes of the January 21. 1984, House of Delegates meeting, the Association's financial statement of February 29, 1984, and the membership report dated March, 1984. President Shackleford reported that David Malone, Dean Jake Looney and Herman Hamilton have been appointed to the Arkansas Law Review Board. President Shackleford IS6/Arkansas Lawyernuly 1984

reported that the Association will host a reception for the judges at the Judicial Council meeting on April 19, 1984. President Shackleford will also make a presentation to the Judicial Council on April 21. 1984, concerning the Judicial Poll and the implementation of Trial Practice Committees. Robert M. Cearley, Jr., submitted the Annual Meeting Site Report. The Council passed a motion to present to the House of Delegates at its next meeting the issue

of whether we should change the site of the annual


year service.

12 days per year for employees with 1-5 years. 18 days per year for employees with 10-15 years. 20 days per year lor employees with 15-20 years. 22 1/2 days per year for employees with 20 years or more.

William R. Wilson, Jr., president-elect, announced the appointment of Mac Glover to chair the Executive Council for 1984/85. Jack McNulty, chair of the Jurisprudence and Law Reform Committee, presented his commit-

meeting. The presenta-

tee's report on proposed

tion will be made by Mr. Cearley without recommendation of the Council. William R. Wilson, Jr. presented the Association's proposed budget for 1984/85. The Council adopted the proposed budget. The following

legislation submitted to the Committee on or belore February 10, 1984. The Executive Council, after considering the Committee's report,

comments were made

concerning the budget: The postage line-item has been increased due to the possible loss of the Association's notfor-profit postage permit. The Arkansas Lawyer line-item has been decreased because no directory will be published in 1984/85. The Legislation line-item has been increased because 1984/85 will include a legislative session. No funds will be included lor Long Range Planning Conferences during legislative session years. Finally, the president has been given a Discretionary Fund in the amount 01

$5,000.00. The Council adopted a new Leave Policy lor Association employees, which is as follows: 10 days per year for employees with I

made no recommenda-

tion, deferring such action until the next meeting of the Council in May, 1984, with the exception that under the section headed "Do Not Recommend," Item No. 6, should be amended to refer the proposed legislation to the Family Law Section for report to the Council in May, 1984. Also, under the section headed, "Not Considered," Item No.2, the Council acknowledged that this proposed legislation will require special handling. Finally, the Executive Council directed Jack McNulty to advise the substantive committees concerning the action taken by the Jurisprudence and Law Reform Committee on

the Association's proposed legislative package. In other business, the Council concluded that, with respect to the unjust criticism 01 judges,

the Association must react through its legislative body, the House of Delegates. Executive Director Colonel William A. Martin was authorized to spend up to Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) on a badge-making machine. The Council adjourned into executive session to discuss the legislative lobbyist selection process. At the conclusion of the executive session, the Council adopted a written job description for the legislative lobbyist. The Council also adopted the procedure that it would employ the legislative lobbyist lor the Association based upon applications to be considered at the immediately following Executive Council meeting in May. The Council authorized Colonel William A. Martin to send the following telegram to Senators Pryor and Bumpers on April 2, 1984: "The Executive Council of the Arkansas Bar Association urges you to vote in lavor of the McClure Amendment to the FTC Bill." Dean Jake Looney invited the Executive Council to hold its next meeting on April 28, 1984, in Fayetteville, Arkansas, at which time the Honorable Warren Burger, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, will be speaking to the University of Arkansas School 01 Law in Fayetteville. The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m. Annabelle Clinton Secretary-Treasurer 0

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