A Positive Ripple Effect Magazine

Page 17

is a Choice which I applied, there were dozens, if not hundreds, of other applicants. I went from the big job to no job. There are plenty of

In the blink of an eye, we can read a book wirelessly delivered to our Kindle or connect with friends with whom we

reasons to be unhappy and, for a while,

graduated from high school decades ago.

I obsessed about them. What I came to


realize, though, is that I had a choice. In

receive international attention because

the end, I chose to see this life change

tools exist that televise events in real

as my opportunity to do the things that

time. We can research a car before we

I enjoyed rather than work in a position

buy it, visit cities around the world from

where I wasn’t having fun. That doesn’t

the comfort of our own home, and conduct

mean that the transition was easy--far

banking on our IPhones.

from it. It was, however, a simple choice to focus on the positive.




All of these technological advances however have created a culture of

focus on the positive.


Positive Views

worse they believe that they are alone in

Each week we publish new Simple Steps and

People feel isolated and

Continued on page 20

inspirational video quotes on our website at:


com/ It doesn’t matter in what stage of life you are. Use this moment and choose to be happy. When you do, you will never want to go back to your old ways again. And that feels great! This golden age of technology has created access to nearly unlimited resources.


How do you choose to live your life? If you are ready to focus on the positive aspects of life then download a free copy of “Simple Steps… Real Change, the Book”

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