The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke - Sample Chapters

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THE ASSASSIN’S CURSE “Unique, heart-wrenching, full of mysteries and twists!” Tamora Pierce, author of Alanna: The First Adventure and other Tortall novels “Its fluid prose, naturalistic dialogue and pace make The Assassin’s Curse supremely readable. And in Ananna, the young offspring of pirate stock, we have a heroine both spirited and memorable.” Stan Nicholls, author of the Orcs: First Blood trilogy “An inventive debut with a strong narrative voice, a glimpse of an intriguing new world.” Adrian Tchaikovsky, author of the Shadows of the Apt series “Ananna of Tanarau is a delightfully irascible heroine, inhabiting a fascinating and fresh new world that I would love to spend more time in. Pirate ships? Camels? Shadow dwelling assassins? Yes please! Can I have some more?” Celine Kiernan, author of the Moorhawke trilogy “Inventive and individual storytelling about engaging and intriguing characters.” Juliet E McKenna, author of the Hadrumal Crisis novels

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