Nexus by Ramez Naam - Sample Chapters

Page 43

will to assimilate everything around her, starting with him. He was at once amused and impressed. And his mind was awesome, full of knowledge and experience she craved. Sam rose smoothly to her feet, Kade’s hand still held but unneeded. She stood inches from him, face at his level in her tall boots. “Show me,” she asked him. He knew what she wanted. He flushed crimson, let go of her hand, broke eye contact, laughed to hide a bashfulness that he could not possibly contain, and backed away again. “You’re something else,” he said. “A natural for this. It’s not as easy as you think, though. Internal mapping is one thing. That level of depth with another mind just isn’t doable right now. Not enough bandwidth. Not a rich enough protocol.” Sam saw the truth of it in his mind, saw also that he was holding back from her. There was more. Disappointment. She’d be patient. “OK.” She smiled, despite herself. “Out into the party?” Kade took her hand again, grinning, broadcasting excitement. “Sam, you’re gonna love this.” And she saw that she would. He led her out of the chill space and into the crew room, up to the heavy, shielded door that led to the main hangar. “I’m going to let you feel a little at first, then more and more over time.”

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