Katya's World by Jonathan L. Howard - Sample Chapters

Page 22

He only looked two or three years older than her. He was neatly turned out in the utilitarian black jumpsuit, short peaked cap and combat boots of the Authority, but his crop of acne damaged the overall effect. What presence he had was mainly the result of the large handgun in his belt holster; a standard issue maser. It took her a moment to notice there was another man standing a couple of metres back from the officer. She realised with a shock that he was handcuffed. “What’s this about?” Uncle Lukyan demanded of the officer. He jerked his thumb at the man in the handcuffs. “Who’s he?” The officer held a piece of paper in Lukyan’s face. “FMA business. I’m commandeering your boat.” Lukyans’s eyes bulged. “You’re what?” “You are to transport me and my prisoner to the FMA penal facility at the Deeps with all dispatch.” “The Deeps? That’s nowhere near our…” “Failure to comply with the terms of a Federal warrant is a criminal offence. Do you comply?” Katya had never seen her uncle so angry. His clothes almost seemed too small for him as his muscles bunched with fury. “Listen, you officious little snot, I didn’t fight a war just so the likes of you…” “Do you comply?” shouted the officer in his face. Katya would almost have been impressed with his bravery except for the gun. She had noticed the officer’s free hand move down to rest on the pistol grip and it looked as if Lukyan had seen it too. “Give that here,” snapped Lukyan and snatched the paper from the officer’s hand. He made a great show

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