AncientPlanet Online Journal Vol.04

Page 133

a r c ha e o l o g y


s c o t l a n d

A n c i e n t P l a n e t O n l i n e j o u r n a l

Above: Unusual grave symbolism depicting ornate medieval cross flanked by two swords, Kirkmichael, Resolis Authors own photograph; Below: Grave marker from Cullicudden burial ground depicting medieval ornate cross and swords. Photograph Andrew Dowsett.

warrior elite or even an ecclesiastical topped by an hour glass, representing the association. It is possible there may even be sands of time, and two equal pairs of skull a masonic link. and crossbones on either side. Above this emanates two stone pillars, running the Moving inside the church, the medieval length of the middle register, thought to chancel contains a number of important wall represent the pillars of Solomon. Each pillar plaques, the largest and most ostentatious terminates with a winged cherub between example belongs to William Urquhart of which lies a startling three-dimensional Braelangwell Dating to 1708, it is carved skeleton. The wall mural terminates at from pink sandstone, measuring a full 1.73m the top with a semi-circle of sandstone in length, 0.94m wide, and combines both depicting the Urquhart coats of arms, on mortality symbols together with biblical either side of the crest is a trumpet baring imagery. The bottom register contains the angel, possibly representing the Archangel usual memento mori, with a skull in the centre Michael, blowing a trumpet for the ‘day of 133

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