Amsterdam Seaports No.2 2011

Page 18

G e n era l Cargo

VCK: A focus on innovation VCK, the oldest freight brokerage in Amsterdam, has grown into a modern logistics company that focuses heavily on information technology (ICT).

Hustle and bustle at VCK’s Scandia Terminal

A large number of Ro/Ro vessels that form

the time, there were also in-house

as wood, paper and cellulose. In addition,

part of a regular service to Scandinavia

programmers working on software

a great deal of steel, aluminium and zinc

and Finland have been using VCK’s Scandia

development. Today, over forty years

also finds its way to Amsterdam from

Terminal for years. The vessels never

of automation later, VCK has the latest

northern Europe. “Our role begins with the

spend more than a few hours in port,

information systems for custom-made

unloading of these products, followed by

during which time all incoming freight is

efficient and creative logistics applications.

storage and distribution,” Brauns says. “Our

offloaded and outgoing cargo brought on

An open system structure ensures

warehouses are designed for both storage


optimal communication with customers,

and phased transit to recipients, which

authorities, subcontractors and suppliers.

allows them to minimise in-house storage

VCK has reinforced its position in European

space and reduce costs.”

short-sea traffic considerably over the past

staff and technology

decade. Initially a ship broker, stevedore

“Our software helps us to analyse and

Waterland Terminal

and shipping agent, the company has

improve business processes,” Brauns

VCK’s traffic volume had been increasing

grown into an all-round integrated

points out. “We also devote a great deal

steadily in the years before the economic

logistics service provider, with a substantial

of attention to personal relationships,

downturn, leading to a clear need for

presence outside the Netherlands. The

quality and safety. Our first priority is to

expansion. “We chose to solve this in an

company uses the latest ICT applications

put ourselves in our customers’ shoes

original way by acquiring a stake in the

for its various activities. “We consider

when working out how their logistics are

Waterland Terminal, where part of the

it crucial to closely monitor current

organised and what their needs are. This

Scandinavian cargo is unloaded,” Brauns

developments in the transportation

is why we are constantly investing in both

says.” We also have an entirely different

industry and always respond creatively,”

staff and technology, which has allowed

maritime activity in the form of our service

general manager Jeroen Brauns explains.

VCK to build up a whole team of logistics

provision for cruise vessels – in addition to

whiz kids.”

acting as an agent for various cruise lines,

Forty years of ICT

VCK is also involved in baggage handling

The first computer, a massive IBM

The short-sea connections with the

mainframe for accounting, was introduced

Scandinavian and Finnish ports represent

by VCK all the way back in 1969. At

a regular supply of forest products such

18 Amsterdam Seaports No. 2 2011

and the loading and unloading of supplies.”

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